Docker with ROS2 Humble and naoqi_driver2 for Pepper 2.5.
It is recommended to set Pepper's IP with:
$ export PEPPER_IP=x.x.x.x #(i.e
in the .bash_profile of Pepper or on any computer that will be used to communicate with Pepper.
For clarity and simplification, the documentation assumes that the variable is set.
A plug-and-play environment is available at if you don't want to compile everything from scratch. From there go to Installation on pepper.
The environment can be built using the Dockerfile. This requires gentoo_on_tmp.tar.lzma archive in the same directory. This one can be created using:
docker run --entrypoint /tmp/gentoo/executeonprefix neaum/gentoo_prefix_32b:latest "tar -c --lzma -f - -C /tmp gentoo" > ~/gentoo_on_tmp.tar.lzma
Here we are using a 32b version of gentoo prefix build in 11/2023 that is a snapshot of the current gentoo tree at this time. For a more up-to-date version, please consider rebuilding the prefix from scratch using scripts in dedicated folder.
Compressing the environment to lzma is necessary as Pepper has limited resources. The entire environment is about ~8GB and will be reduced to about ~2GB. In comparison, Pepper has about 25GB of space available.
$ docker run -it pepper_os_humble:latest
#Outside docker in another terminal
$ docker cp CONTAINER_ID:/data/home/nao/pepper_os.tar.lzma ./pepper_os.tar.lzma
CONTAINER_ID being the ID of the running container (nao@CONTAINER_ID)
First, check whether there is enough space available on Pepper to install the archive.
$ ssh nao@$PEPPER_IP
$ df -t ext3
The archive requires ~8GB to be copied and uncompressed.
Once there is enough space available, the archive can be copied and uncompressed safely.
$ scp pepper_os.tar.lzma nao@$PEPPER_IP:/home/nao/
$ ssh nao@$PEPPER_IP
$ tar -J -xvf ./pepper_os.tar.lzma
$ rm pepper_os.tar.lzma
ROS2 can be tested with the following commands:
$ ssh nao@$PEPPER_IP
$ ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
#The terminal should display: 'Publishing: "Hello world: x"'
2nd terminal
$ ssh nao@$PEPPER_IP
$ ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener
#The terminal should display: 'I heard: [Hello world: x]'
The python equivalent can be tested with demo_nodes_py instead of demo_nodes_cpp.
$ ssh nao@$PEPPER_IP
$ ros2 launch naoqi_driver nao_ip:=$PEPPER_IP network_interface:=MACHINE_INTERFACE
MACHINE_INTERFACE should be 'wlan0' if Pepper is on wifi or 'eth0' if Pepper connected directly via an ethernet cable.
Alternatively, an alias has been made in .bash_profile
$ nao_driver
The ip and network interfaces will be automatically fetched.
$ ssh nao@$PEPPER_IP
$ ros2 topic list
Will return a list of all the topic available.
#On a computer
$ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$PEPPER_IP:11311
$ rviz2 rviz
To start rviz2 and display the topic of interest (Add -> By topic).
If you use this project, please consider citing:
title={RoboCup@ Home SSPL Champion 2023: RoboBreizh, a Fully Embedded Approach},
author={Buche, C{\'e}dric and Neau, Ma{\"e}lic and Ung, Thomas and Li, Louis and Wang, Sinuo and Bono, C{\'e}dric Le},
booktitle={Robot World Cup},
This project is heavily inspired by the awesome work of Sam Pfeiffer and is really nice CLI of a gentoo prefix for Pepper.