rer.bandi is a product for announcements.
It is a folderish content (like rer.structured_content) and it allows to set some infos about the announcement like the deadline to participate or the closing date.
There are two allowed views for an announcement:
- default view, with basic infos on the right (like events) and extra infos (folder deepenings) in the middle.
- alternative view that moves extra infos slot below basic infos.
Like in rer.structured_content, it has a special folder type called "Folder Deepening" that allows to manage some extra infos or attachment that should be shown in the announcement's view.
There are some new topic criterias that allows to set topic queries for announcements.
There is a search form (http://yoursite/search_bandi_form) for quick searches.
In the search results and in the two new topic views, there are also some infos about the announcement, like his state (open, closed or in progress).
There is also a portlet that show announcement infos from a topic (this portlet extends base collection portlet)
In order to use layout bandi for tile is necessary have installed collective.tiles.collection product.
New @@search_bandi_form view is a React view that searches through the catalog with a plone.restapi endpoint.
To develop the new view, you need to install its dependencies with yarn:
> yarn
or npm:
> npm install
And then run development server:
> yarn start
To see your changes, you need to enable resources registry in development mode.
Before releasing a new package, you need to build the production app:
> yarn build
and then commit.
Simpy call:
> make deploy
And a production build will be created and committed before a fullrelease.
This product has been tested on Plone 5.1 and 5.2
For Plone 4 (and Archetypes), use 2.x branch/versions
From 4.0.0 version, there is a breaking change in bando fields. If you need to use old implementation, use 3.x branch.
Developed with the support of Regione Emilia Romagna;
Regione Emilia Romagna supports the PloneGov initiative.
This product was developed by RedTurtle Technology team.