Support Advance Directive HealthCare
- Robin needs to apply for azure account as a non-profit organization so she gets $5000 year (for free) tier
- Robin also needs to apply for aws account as a non-profit organization so she gets $2000 year (for free) tier
- "individuals" who upload pictures to our "web app" need to agree with azure's cognitive services fair usage, note no personally identifiable info is shared to azure cognitive services
- Laravel
- Nginx
- Let's Encrypt
- Angular 4
- Twitter Bootstrap 4
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- S3
- EC2
- Azure
- Face API
- Ec2 Instance is deployed with fail2ban locking down SSH access
- SSL encryption is provided at TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
- 4096 bit DH key exchange
- PFS security
- Rotating SSL private key (90 day max)
- Hashed RDBMS to separate wishes from individuals
- faceId expires within an hour in the face/detect api
- S3 public bucket is used for storing the picture initially while face/detect api is called from the server side
- personGroupId is going to be just 1 for now, until we can make up our minds
- Convert the datamodel to nosql
- Add face to person occasionally so as the "individual" ages we can verify