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Financial aid

Mathieu Leduc-Hamel edited this page Jul 11, 2013 · 2 revisions


Last year the PSF handed out over $100,100 in financial aid. The 300 applications were managed manually using email and spreadsheets. This year we'd like build-in support for financial aid application processing in the main PyCon website. The financial aid application process should be similar to the talk submission process:

  • Applicants should sign up for a PyCon account to apply for financial aid

  • All non-sponsorship accounts should be able to submit an application for financial aid

  • An email confirmation should be sent to the applicant after submitting a financial aid application

  • The system should facilitate a financial aid committee similar in functionality to the current talk review committee

  • The financial aid committee should be able to review and comment on the applications

  • Applicants should be able to edit their submission based on feedback from the committee

  • Applicants should be able to see their application status via the PyCon website

  • Gender will need to be collected for financial aid applications for room-sharing purposes

  • The financial aid application should include a section asking about their goals and involvement in the Python community

  • The financial aid application should include $$$ amount requests for: hotel, flights, and registration

  • The financial aid application should include dates for their hotel stay

  • You should be able to pair aid recipients for room-sharing based on their hotel dates and gender

  • Ideally we would be able to register these pairs for hotel rooms easily using the PyCon site

  • Admins should be able to filter applications based on their talk/tutorial/poster acceptance status

  • Admins should be able to accept a financial aid application and enter the amount awarded (for hotel, for flights, for registration)

  • Admins should be able to decline a financial aid application and enter a reason

  • The system should email the applicants their accept and decline results

  • The financial aid application process should have configurable start and end dates

  • Applicants should be encouraged not to register for the conference

  • The financial aid application should indicate registration status (not registered, registered as a student/early-bird/etc)

  • The system should allow admins to indicate how the money will be dispersed (cash, pre-paid visa, paypal, etc)

  • The system should be able to transfer funds electronically to aid recipients when possible

  • Accepted applicants should be emailed a discount code for tutorials

  • Accepted applications should be emailed a discount code for registration

  • Ideally the system would be able to refund registration in cases where the grant should cover registration

  • Applications should be able to be marked as paid once the grant has been dispersed

  • Financial aid applications should open when registration opens: September 1st, 2013.

Questions we were asking last year:

  • Timestamp
  • Application Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Will you be traveling internationally?
  • Would you like to be considered for a PyLadies grant?
  • Will you need assistance with the Conference Registration?
  • Will you need assistance with a Hotel Room?
  • How many nights will you be staying at the hotel?
  • Will you need assistance with Travel Costs?
  • Please enter the amount ot travel assistance you need, in US dollars.
  • Please describe your travel plans Will you need assistance with tutorials?
  • Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4
  • What is it that you do?
  • Describe your involvement in any open source projects or community.
  • What do you want to get out of attending PyCon?
  • What is it that you're hoping to learn?
  • Please provide links to any portfolios you have that contain Python work. (e.g. Github, Bitbucket, etc.)
  • Describe your use of Python.
  • If you're a beginner, describe the resources you're using to learn Python.
  • Will you be speaking, hosting a poster session or otherwise presenting at PyCon?
  • What is your experience level with Python?
  • Have you spoken at PyCon in the past?
  • Is this your first time attending PyCon?
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