CiviSEPA 1.5-beta4
Warning: If you're using the CiviSEPA payment processors, you will have to install the SEPA Payment Processor extension after upgrading to this version.
Changes since CiviSEPA 1.4
- Allow mandates without BICs (#245,#549) by @bjendres
- Provide "Find/Create/Terminate Mandate" actions to FormProcessor/action-provider (#554) by @bjendres
- Moved payment processors to separate extension (#534) by @bjendres
- Automated unit tests (#469) by @BenediktMagnus and @bjendres
- IBAN Blacklist (#540) by @bjendres
- Labels for Creditors (#541) by @bjendres
- Hook to alter next collection date (#555,#558) by @jaapjansma
- Update settings system (#563, #564) by @bjendres
- Settings form warnings (#583) by @bjendres
- Fixed incoherent formatting/validation of IBAN and BIC (#542) by @pfigel
- Fixed recurring contribution link (#539) by @pfigel
- Fixed late group deferral on weekends (#547) by @bjendres
- Fixed deleting contributions from existing transaction groups (#548) by @bjendres
- Fixed PSP creditor token validation (#544) by @pfigel
- Fixed mandate API not passing on failure (#562) by @bjendres
- Fixed mandate API date (#553) by @psampont