A simplified overhaul of Halo Online Split Screen for ElDewrito 0.6.
The current release allows anyone to easily manage multiple instance of ElDewrito versions -
All player customization is now done in game, and in order to play locally, the first instance that launches must host the lobby. The biggest new feature in this release is the ability to run up to eight instances of the game at once if your PC can handle it.
The following instructions are for those interested in easily running multiple instances of Eldewrito at once. This is crucial for those wishing to play with their friends without other computers nearby. By following these simple steps, you'll be playing with your friends in only approximately five minutes!
Before installing Eldewrito Multi Instance, please make sure you running an OS that is compatible with Eldewrito and that you already have the game files for Eldewrito (versions 0.6 and above).