v3.3.0 - A Compact and Secure bootloader built using Mbed OS for Mbed Cloud
Verifies integrity of firmware candidate before performing update.
Verifies integrity of active firmware before boot
Secure firmware candidate off-chip using HMAC protected firmware header
Prevents rollback by rejecting any firmware with smaller version number than active firmware
Resilient against power cut.
Built using mbed-os to 5.7.2, portable across mbed-os supported boards
Supports multiple firmware storage media including filesystem, sd-blockdevice and internal flash.
Flexible active firmware placement configurable at compile time.
Less than 32k of binary size on most mbed-os supported platforms.
By default use SD blockdevice to store firmware candidates
Compile without RTOS and most of mbed-os features
Use size optimised minimal-printf library
Enable nano.specs for GCC
Use a size optimised configuration file for mbedtls
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