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ParkAPI Sources

ParkAPI Sources is a collection of converters from several different data sources to normalized ParkAPI data. ParkAPI does support parking for cars, for bikes and lockers. The data model is based on the original ParkAPI project and tries to stay compatible to DATEX II Parking Publication Light at any extension of the model.

We support following data sources:

name purpose type uid realtime
APCOA Services car pull apcoa no
Deutsche Bahn car pull bahn_v2 no
Stadt Bietigheim-Bissingen car pull bietigheim_bissingen yes
Barrierefreie Reisekette Baden-Württemberg: PKW-Parkplätze car pull bfrk_bw_car no
Barrierefreie Reisekette Baden-Württemberg: Fahrrad-Parkplätze bike pull bfrk_bw_bike no
Stadt Ellwangen car push (xlsx) ellwangen no
Stadt Buchen car push (json) buchen yes
Stadt Freiburg car pull freiburg yes
GOLDBECK Parking Services car push (xlsx) goldbeck no
Stadt Heidelberg car pull heidelberg yes
Stadt Herrenberg car pull herrenberg no
Stadt Herrenberg - Munigrid bike pull herrenberg_bike no
PARK SERVICE HÜFNER GmbH + Co. KG car push (xlsx) huefner no
Stadt Karlsruhe: PKW-Parkplätze car pull karlsruhe yes
Stadt Karlsruhe: Fahhrrad-Abstellangen bike pull karlsruhe_bike no
Kienzler: Bike and Ride bike pull kienzler_bike_and_ride yes
Kienzler: Karlsruhe bike pull kienzler_karlruhe yes
Kienzler: Neckarsulm bike pull kienzler_neckarsulm yes
Kienzler: Offenburg bike pull kienzler_offenburg yes
Kienzler: RadSafe bike pull kienzler_rad_safe yes
Kienzler: Stuttgart bike pull kienzler_stuttgart yes
Kienzler: VRN bike pull kienzler_vrn yes
Konstanz car pull konstanz yes
Stadt Konstanz: Fahrrad-Abstellanlagen bike push konstanz_bike no
Stadt Mannheim car push (json) mannheim yes
Stadt Neckarsulm: PKW-Parkplätze car pull neckarsulm no
Stadt Neckarsulm: Fahrrad-Abstellanlagen bike pull neckarsulm_bike no
Open-Data-Plattform öV Schweiz car pull (json) opendata_swiss no
P + M Baden-Württemberg car pull p_m_bw yes
Baden-Württemberg: Parken und Mitfahren car push (xlsx) pum_bw no
RadVIS Baden-Württemberg (experimental) bike pull radvis_bw no
Parkraumgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg car pull pbw yes
Stadt Pforzheim car push (csv) pforzheim no
Stadt Reutlingen: PKW-Parkplätze car push (csv) reutlingen no
Stadt Reutlingen: Fahrrad-Abstellanlagen bike push (csv) reutlingen_bike no
Stadt Stuttgart car push (json) stuttgart yes
Stadt Ulm car pull ulm yes
Verband Region Stuttgart: Bondorf car pull vrs_bondorf yes
Verband Region Stuttgart: Kirchheim car pull vrs_kirchheim yes
Verband Region Stuttgart: Neustadt car pull vrs_neustadt yes
Verband Region Stuttgart: Park and Ride car push (xlsx) vrs_p_r no
Verband Region Stuttgart: Vaihingen car pull vrs_vaihingen yes

New converters for new sources are always welcome, please have a look at "Contribute" below.


ParkAPI Sources is a python module published at PyPI. Therefore, you can install it by

pip install parkapi-sources

If you use parkapi-sources in a project, we recommend to fix the version. As long as parkapi-sources is beta, breaking changes might be introduced on minor version level (like: change from 0.1.1 to 0.2.0). As soon as 1.0 is released, we will follow Semantic Versioning, which means that breaking changes will just appear on major version changes (like: change from 1.1.2 to 2.0.0). You can expect a lot of changes in the minor version level, as any new converter is a new feature.


Your starting point is always the ParkAPISources where all Sources are registered.

from parkapi_sources import ParkAPISources

my_sources = ParkAPISources()

ParkAPISources accepts following parameters:

  • config: Optional[dict] = None is a dictionary for config values, especially secrets.
  • converter_uids: Optional[list[str]] = None is used for loading just the converter uids you want to load
  • no_pull_converter: bool = False is used for limiting converters to pull converters
  • no_push_converter: bool = False is used for limiting converters to push converters


Config values are mostly individual for specific converters: if there are required config values, they are defined at the converter definition right at the top:

required_config_keys = ['MY_SECRET']

ParkAPISources offers a method to check if all config values are set:

from parkapi_sources import ParkAPISources

my_sources = ParkAPISources()

If not all config values are set, a MissingConfigException is thrown. It's recommended to run this check after initializing the module to prevent exceptions during runtime.

Besides converter-individual config values, there are two global values which can be used to configure the source of GeoJSON files. Per default, static GeoJSON files are fetched from this repository. This behaviour can be changed:

  • STATIC_GEOJSON_BASE_URL defines another base URL for GeoJSON files
  • STATIC_GEOJSON_BASE_PATH defines a lokal path instead, so the application will load files locally without network requests

Use converters

After initializing, you will find all initialized converters at ParkAPISources.converter_by_uid. As the input is very different, so are the methods you have to use. In general, you can differ between two major strategies:

Pull converters

Pull converters are responsible for getting data from an external data source. This can be an REST endpoints as well as HTML which is scraped. Pull converters always split up in static and realtime data, because at most sources, this is not the same. Each pull converter has two methods:

  1. get_static_parking_sites(self) -> tuple[list[StaticParkingSiteInput], list[ImportParkingSiteException]]:
  2. def get_realtime_parking_sites(self) -> tuple[list[RealtimeParkingSiteInput], list[ImportParkingSiteException]]:

Push converters

Push converters are responsible to handle data which is pushed to the service using defined endpoints. Usually, these converters are used as a handler behind HTTP endpoints, but of course you can use them in other ways, too, for example command line scripts.

Push converters always handle specific formats, therefore, there are multiple types of push converters. All push converters return a tuple[list[StaticParkingSiteInput | RealtimeParkingSiteInput], list[ImportParkingSiteException]], therefore they decided based on the given data if it's static or realtime data they got - or even both, then each dataset ends up in two entries in the first list.

  1. A CsvConverter handles CSV files: handle_csv_string(self, data: StringIO)
  2. A JsonConverter handles JSON based data: handle_json(self, data: dict | list)
  3. A XlsxConverter handles XMLX data: def handle_xlsx(self, workbook: Workbook) parsed by openpyxl
  4. A XmlConverter handles XML data: def handle_xml(self, root: Element) parsed by lxml


At webapp/models/, you can find the definition of StaticParkingSiteInput and RealtimeParkingSiteInput. These dataclasses are also validataclasses, so you can be sure that the data you get is validated.


We are happy about any contributions. We do not expect that yoy can develop Python, but of course things might speed up if

Report bugs

As ParkAPI-Sources integrates a lot of external data sources, sometimes without a proper definition, converters might run into issues because of changes on the data source side. If you see that happening, please add a bug report at the issues. If possible, please add the data which fails.

Contribute new source data

If you see a nice data source which is not covered by ParkAPI-sources, you can always create a feature request at our issues. If you do so, please add the data you found, so we can actually build the converter. If possible, please try to find out a licence, too.

Write a new Converters

We always welcome merge requests with new converters. A merge request should contain the following:

  • MIT licenced code
  • A converter which validates the input in a way that the output follows the data model
  • A test with example data to ensure that the converter works with current data

Write a new converter

First you have to determine which type of converter you need. If you get the data from an endpoint, you will need a PushConverter, if you have a file you want to push via HTTP or CLI, you need a PullConverter.

Write the converter

In order to write a converter, you need a directory at converters. Please name your directory in a way that it points to the actual converter you will write. If it's just one converter, the uid is usually the best approach.

At converters/your-converter, you will at least need a and an In most cases, you will also need some validataclasses you can put in Validation is crucial in this library, because the users of this library should not think invalid data. Additionally, if you have very specific new data types, you can write new validataclass validators you can usually put in

Testing the converter

In order to proof that the validator works, we need to test the basic functionality. In order to do this, we need a snapshot of the data which should be integrated. Common place for this data is tests/converters/data/filename-starting-with-uid.ending. This data should be used in one or multiple tests (in several cases two tests, one for static, one for realtime data) stored at tests/converters/

If you test a PullConverter, you will need no mock requests. This can be done using the fantastic requests_mock library.

If you created new validators, these should be tested with different inputs. Usually, pytest.parametrize is a nice approach to do this.

Migrate a converter

If you want to migrate a v1 or v2 converter, you can re-use some of the code. There is a paradigm change, though: parkapi-source-v3 enforces a strict validation after transforming the data, while v1 and v2 converters don't. ParkAPI v1 / v2 converters are always pull converters, so the base class is always PullConverter.

Instead of defining POOL, you will set source_info at the same place. Attributes are almost the same, except for id was renamed to uid, and there is the new attribute has_realtime_data, which has to be set.

ParkAPI v1 and v2 used two methods for static and realtime data, just as parkapi-sources-v3:

  • the old static data handling def get_lot_infos(self) -> List[LotInfo]: is get_static_parking_sites(self) -> tuple[list[StaticParkingSiteInput], list[ImportParkingSiteException]]: in parkapi-sources-v3.
  • the old realtime data handlingdef get_lot_data(self) -> List[LotData]: is def get_realtime_parking_sites(self) -> tuple[list[RealtimeParkingSiteInput], list[ImportParkingSiteException]]: in parkapi-sources-v3.

The result objects have quite the same idea, too:

  • LotInfo gets StaticParkingSiteInput
  • LotData gets RealtimeParkingSiteInput

There's also a helper for scraped content: before, there was self.request_soup(self.POOL.public_url) in order to get a BeautifulSoup element. Now, there is a helper mixin called PullScraperMixin. You can use it this way:

class MyPullConverter(PullConverter, PullScraperMixin):

Additionally, there is another mixin for the GeoJSON files you already know from v1 and v2 converters: StaticGeojsonDataMixin. Using this, you can just define the static data method this way:

    def get_static_parking_sites(self) -> tuple[list[StaticParkingSiteInput], list[ImportParkingSiteException]]:
        return self._get_static_parking_site_inputs_and_exceptions(source_uid=self.source_info.uid)

The default location for GeoJSON files is a separate repository.

Please keep in mind that you will have to add tests for the migrated scraper.


As we try to keep a consistent code style, please lint your code before creating the merge request. We use ruff for linting and formatting. There is Makefile target to do both: make lint. It runs the following commands:

ruff format ./src ./tests
ruff check --fix ./src ./tests

If you don't have ruff installed globally, you can create a virtual environment for these tools:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

ruff format ./src ./tests
ruff check --fix ./src ./tests

Make your new converter available

All available converters should be registered at the ParkAPISources class in order to make them accessible for users of this library, so please register your converter there. The new converter should also be added to the table in this file.

Release process

If you created a merge request, the maintainers will review your code. If everything is fine, it will be merged to main, and a new release will be created soon. As written above, we follow SemVer, so any new converter will add plus one to the minor version. In order to use this new release, please keep in mind to update your requirements.txt / update the dependency manager you use.


This library is under MIT licence. Please look at LICENCE.txt for details.