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Data Pipeline: from dairy farms to AgDH

This project is built based on an existing docker image for Apache Airflow. The original repository is here for reference: Check this out

Initiator and Contributor: Oscar Zhang (GitHub: OscarTHZhang, Website: Tianhe (Oscar) Zhang)



This project is proposed to be an interface between the data from dairy farms and AgDH Data Center, which is the backend support for Dairy Brain and other analytics APIs. See the illustration below:

alt text

The project will have pre-setup Directied Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) structure representing the pipelining tasks. Each DAG is associated with a specific data type in a farm. The DAG will be triggered manually and in the process it will sense the data files listed in the subdirectories containing the dates as the names, parse the data files using existing parsing scripts and store the data into the database. The DAG also try to run previously failed tasks if triggered.


Basic Setup

Clone the repository to your local environment

Run this command in your local terminal

$ git clone

Create a new docker image from Dockerfile

First, make sure docker is installed on your local machine. If not or you're not familiar with Docker, refer to the here. In the project directory on your local machine, run this command

$ docker build . -t <tag>:<label>

This example specifies that the PATH to the dockerfile is ., <tag> is the "name" for this image and <label> is default as "latest". You can then use $ docker images to check if the image is created on your local machine.

Modify Docker-Compose file to run the project

In the docker compose file docker-compose.yml, change the image of webserver to whatever the label you created in the last step

        image: cabello  # Change this line to the image <tag> you defined above
        restart: always
        depends_on: ...

Save the compose file and then run the project

$ docker-compose up

The Airflow web server is at localhost:8080

PostgreSQL Setup


Add a file into ./plugins/operators direcotry including the following information like this:

db_password = "******" # database password
db_user = "******" # database user
db_host = "******" # host of the database
db_port = '******' # connection port
db_database = '******' # name of the database
db_dialect = 'postgresql' # should always be postgresql

The information should be varied if the database is set up on a local machine and should be relatively the same if connecting to a remote database server in WID.

Build from .sql dump file

Follow the instructions to build the PostgreSQL database from farmsdb_dump.sql in the root of the project repository. This .sql file is dumped from my local machine, which is also used for testing pipeline. You could contact Steve Wangen for the original database dump file. However, in that dump file, the farm_datasource table contains information that is mismatch with what Andrew provided me. Therefore, I modified the database dumped from the original dump file so that the file_location column in farm_datasource table has a consistent format, which is convenient for testing and production.

Some Important Concepts

Volume mapping

The airflow dagbag is inside /usr/airflow/ in the docker container. Before running the server, first map the dag/ directory in this project to the dagbag inside docker container; also remember to map plugins/ and test/ directries to the corresponding directories in the container.

Dockerfile vs Docker-Compose

Dockerfile is for setting up the container structure. It is like a static configuration. Whereas Docker-Compose is a setup for the running environment (image (static) -> container (running), such as volume mapping and port connections, of the image created by your Dockerfile.

Some useful commands

Here are some useful commands to check the container setup

# checking the running container name
$ docker ps

# access the running container file system
$ docker exec -it <container name> /bin/sh 

Data and Script Mapping

By inspecting the database dump, the following mappings can be used for finding the correct script for given .csv data

  • dairycomp/ is ingested by
  • tmrtracker and feedwatch are ingested by
  • agsource is ingested by For, I have already incorporated in the project by making it from a bash program to a Python callable function. The rest of the scripts can be found in this repository.

Remote Data Source Structure

Expected file structure


Note that only *.csv files will be considered in the end. Here are the existing file structure from the smb remote drive from Andrew Maier. Refer to him if you have any further question about this remote drive.

  • arlington/agsource/, dairycomp/ -> {dates}/ -> .csv files
  • haag/ -> (random structure, need to standarized, not my job)
  • larson/ -> dairycomp/, extracts/, feedwatch/, grande/, smart_dairy/, smart_dairy2/ -> {dates}/ -> .csv files
  • mystic_valley/ -> dairycomp/, grande/, tmrtracker/ -> {dates}/ -> .csv files
  • uw-arlington/ -> feedsupervisor/ -> {dates}/ -> .csv files

Running Example

I have made the example of data ingestion of larson/feedwatch. The data inside can be successfully fetched, pulled to DAG structures, parsed by the modified scripts, and store in the new tables in the database. This is considered as a success of one instance of the data sources. I am using a subset of the larson/feedwatch data, which is under test/larson/feedwatch/ in this project. The DAG file of this pipeline is /dags/ Here are some running demos.
Figure 1: Creation of new tables in the farms database Demo 1

Figure 2: Inside the feedwatch_dmi_data table Demo 2

Figure 3: The DAG structure for this ingestion Demo_3

Implementation Details

This section contains descriptions for different operators inside plugins/operators/ as well as the introduction of functionalities of nodes in the DAG using the above example as a reference.

Self-defined Operators

StartOperator (inherits airflow.models.BaseOperator)

Running this operator means the DAG is on its starting process. The task object instanciated by this class will access the database once to query for the data-script matching. This is very important because the later tasks in the DAG must know what script to use to parse the data they are receiving. It also logs the starting information of the DAG such as the time that this DAG starts.

DirectorySensor (inherits airflow.models.BaseOperator)

Given a directory path, the task instanciated by this class will search for all the csv data files and store the file paths to airflow's task instance for later use.

ScriptParser (inherits airflow.models.BaseOperator)

The task instanciated by this class will use the data-script mapping retrieved from the database from StartOperator as a logic to decide what parser to apply on the files received from the last task (task instanciated from DirectorySensor class) . The task will then call the parser directly.

  • Raise FileNotFoundError: Parsing directory may be wrong. Check DATA_SOURCE_DIRECTORY in the dag file! when the file location from database is mismatch the file location provided in the DAG file.
  • Raise FileNotFoundError: No valid script found! when no script is found from database.
  • Raise ValueError: No valid Farm ID! when no valid farm id is found from database.

Ingestion API

Inside plugins/ I made some additions: configs/, which stores the configurations for all of the modules inside plugins, and IngestAPI/, which is a plugin that is not currently in used but possibly used in the future development. I also create a stand-alone repo for this API based on configs/ and IngestAPI/ and you can refer to this repo for detailed documentation.

Tasks and Stages

Each DAG should have 5 stages separated by different tasks.

The first stage is represented by 'star_operator' task. The functionality of this task is inside the StartOperator documentation.

The second stage is represented by 'separate_date_files', which is defined by an airflow.operators.dummy_operator.DummyOperator as a preparation of separation of the tasks into different branches by the dates in directory names.

The third stage contains a list of tasks defined by DirctorySensor and will search for data files in different "dates" directories.

The forth stage is parsing. The parsing tasks are also separated by "dates" directories, so it makes sense that each 'directory_sensing' task is followed by a unique 'script_parsing' task.

The fifth/last stage is the finishing stage. The task on this stage will be triggered when all the previous tasks are done (regardless of success or failure).

DAG Implementation and Thoughts

In the dags/, there is a line at the top:

# This is the path that defines the place of data source. In the development phase, it is inside
# this folder path in the docker container
DATA_SOURCE_DIRECTORY = '/usr/local/airflow/test/larson/feedwatch'

As the comment says, this is a hard-coded directory for testing purposes. In the future, if the data source location has been changed to remote, change this path as well.
I personally think the ideal DAG implementation should be that each data type in a farm should have its unique dag, instead of dynamically creating new dags if there are new data types or new farms coming in. This makes sense because as there are new data sources, the database we rely on will also change and also there may be new ingest scripts adding into the repository. Therefore, making DAGs for 'farm/datatype' is my proposed solution right now.

Things Left to Do

Reassure the Name of Ingest Scripts / Modules

There are some name of the ingestion that need to be verified as they are not matched to what is in the database table

  • event data ingestion (currently don't have the script matched to in the ingest_scripts repository). Should it be
  • agsource data ingestion (currently don't have the script matched to in the ingest_scripts repository). Should it be
  • milk data ingestion (currently don't have the matching data source in the remote drive)

Dynamic Trigger Rule

The current functionality is: pipelining existing data files in a fixed directory. This need to be changed so that the DAG will be triggered dynamically, meaning whenever there are new 'date' folder coming in the DAG will run. This could be achieved by modifying Operators or DAG files; need to be discussed further.

Running Environment Setup

Currently I am testing the code on my local machine with PostgreSQL server on localhost and a local Docker container. The project need to be brought up to a Unix runnning environment in WID building and connecting to a real WID PostgreSQL server.