Generates Pikapupu configuration for GL-MT300N-V2 mini router. Pikapupu is an SSH layer 2 tunneling scheme for ham radio operations in Jyväskylä region "pupunet" and Kaakon linkkiverkko.
The most recent firmware at the this time gl-mt300n-v2-3.012.bin
a bug which makes SSH tun/tap not working. So it needs either a
downgrade or a upgrade. We downgraded it to lede-mt300n-v2-2.271.bin
which works.
Flash it using web GUI. Do not to keep current configuration. TODO CLI instructions.
Give the unit a name such as "pikapupu99", IP address such as and a password:
./generate-pikapupu-config pikapupu99 PASSWORD
Upload it using the GUI. TODO CLI instructions.
Installing dependencies and disabling DHCP server
opkg update
opkg install openssh-client
service dnsmasq disable
service dnsmasq stop
Request the admin to add the given SSH key to the server with proper security measures. The public key line should look like this:
command="pupubridge pikapupu99 kaakko",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE
The server-side script pupubridge is located in this repo.