New release for the submission of the paper to Geoscientific Model Development with Zenodo DOI. This release contains all the work done in the last year, with the correct setup and high-performance of UDEs for the SIA. It also includes a new way to compute climate data, new MB models, a cleaner way to use PyCall and Continuous Integration with tests and CodeCov running on GitHub.
As a v0 release, it still doesn't include a final API. It will be designed this summer, marking the first v1 release of ODINN.jl.
What's Changed
- Small fix for PyCall by @JordiBolibar in #55
- ODINN initialization fixed by @JordiBolibar in #57
- Cleaner way to initialize PyCall by @JordiBolibar in #58
- PyCall initialization polished, with better instructions in README by @JordiBolibar in #59
- UDE training with random mass balance by @JordiBolibar in #62
- MB WIP + MWE iceflow updated by @JordiBolibar in #69
- New MB models and workflow by @JordiBolibar in #109
- Continuous Integration tests up and running by @JordiBolibar in #116
- Fixing CodeCov + CI only for PRs by @JordiBolibar in #119
- UDEs working with experiment with different MB by @JordiBolibar in #122
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0