Welcome to NUS Fintech Society Unofficial NFT Page. This is a place made by NUS Fintech Society members for NUS Fintech Society. Here, you can view all NUS Fintech Society NFT collections. There are limited number of NFTs to be minted, all are one-of-a-kind. These collections are on the Ethereum blockchain in accordance to the ERC721 NFT standard. A member can mint an NFT after initialisation into the society, after a big contribution to an ongoing project.
Use git clone https://github.com/NUS-Fintech-Society/BC_generativeNFT.git
to get the files within this repository onto your local machine
npm install
to install all the dependencies needed for this project. -
Create a .env file and fill out the MNEMONIC environment variable as shown below
MNEMONIC= {your mnemonic phrase from metamask}
Create a Ganache workspace to get your personal blockchain up and running.
Compile the ABI for the smart contract using
truffle migrate
.- If you're successful, you should be able to see the contract address for the Token smart contract under 2_token_migration.js.
Replace the
variable (local) in config.js insrc/util/
with the contract address.
Open your MetaMask browser extension and configure your custom netowork.
Next, import one of the accounts by adding its Private Key (can be obtained from ganache)
If you're successful, you should see a balance of 100ETH in the wallet.
For a more in-depth tutorial on adding a local account to metamask refer to this video
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.
Make sure the MNEMONIC environment variable is filled out and your wallet has test ether in either test nets using an ether faucet.
Register at infura.io and create a new project
Add your project id into the .env as shown below
(Make sure it corresponds to whatever testnet you are intending to deploy the smart contract to)INFURA_PROJECT_ID= {your project id from infura}
To deploy to Rinkeby test net
truffle migrate --network rinkeby
Replace the
variable (Rinkeby) in config.js insrc/util/
with the contract address from deployment.