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Folders and files

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Do you know a song by just listening to one second of it?

Choose folders and files of your own music library and see if you can guess title, artist and album by only hearing less than five seconds from somewhere in the song. Right answers will add points to your score.


This program has the following requirements:

  • C++11 compiler (GCC 4.6+, Clang 3.0+, VS 2012+)
  • CMake or newer
  • Qt 5.2.1 Framework

For running a score webservice, you will also need:

  • A webserver (e.g. Apache2 or nginx) that is configured correctly for PHP5
  • PostgreSQL Server (tested with version 9.1)


I recommend to set the following CMake variables:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - Path for the install target
  • CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH - Qt5 directory


First you have to set up the database. You have to create a user and a database called musec. Assuming that you already have installed a PostgreSQL server, you can do something like the following on Linux:

$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE USER musec WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE musec WITH OWNER = musec ENCODING = 'UTF8';
postgres=# \q

Now you can run the scripts to initialize the database.

sudo -u postgres psql -d musec < www/init.sql
sudo -u postgres psql -d musec < www/functions.sql

You can only run the init script once, but you can run the functions script again, whenever it has been updated.

The files for the webserver are located in the folder www/score. After copying or linking the files, you have to make sure the config file matches your database configuration.

cp config-sample.ini.php config.ini.php
nano config.ini.php