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Toxicant Signaling Networks

Code and datasets for building and evaluating toxicant signaling networks.


conda create -y -n tox_sig_nets python=3.7
conda activate tox_sig_nets
conda install --file requirements.txt
git clone

To run EdgeLinker, you must have a suitable java installation (> 1.8)

Supplementary Files:

EdgeLinker computed paths



Enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms

Regenerate Results

The commands below outline the steps necessary to regenerate the results and figures from the paper.

Create Toxicant Signaling Networks with EdgeLinker

python --version 2018_01-toxcast-d2d-p1_5-u1_25 --response-networks

Network Summary Plot

  • To generate Figure 1a-d:
python src/plot/version_plots/  --version 2018_01-toxcast-d2d-p1_5-u1_25 -c --pdf  -k 150

Statistical Significance - Randomized interactome

  • To generate the "random networks", the command below creates 1,000 randomized interactomes using edge swapping
  • Then run EdgeLinker, using the original set of sources and targets for each toxicant, on each of those randomized interactomes
  • The --super-computer option creates many PBS scripts and submits them to a cluster at VT (baobab)
python \
    --version $version \
    --random-networks \
    --scope permute-dir-undir \
    --num-random-networks 1 1000  \
    --parallel-processes 10   \
    --super-computer \
    --edgelinker-k 1000 \
    --cleanup \
    -k 50 -k 100 -k 150 -k 200 \
  • This is the command to compute the p-values after the random networks have been generated
python --version $version --stat-sig -k 50 -k 100 -k 150 -k 200 --scope permute-dir-undir
  • outputs will be here: outputs/2018_01-toxcast-d2d-p3-u1_25/weighted/stats/stat-sig-permute-dir-undir/bfcorr_pval_qval.txt
  • Use this command to get the chemicals that have a q-value < 0.01
python --version $version --scope permute-dir-undir --sig-cutoff 0.01 --sig-cutoff-type FDR
# alternatively:
python src/stat_sig/  --chemicals inputs/versions/$version/chemicals.txt  --compute-score-pval  --num-random 1 1000   -k 50 -k 100 -k 150 -k 200   --out-dir outputs/2018_01-toxcast-d2d-p1_5-u1_25/weighted//stats/stat-sig-permute-dir-undir/ --pval-cutoff 0.01

Overlap Graph

  • To generate the graph with nodes and edges present in more than 1/3 of the toxicant signaling networks, use these commands
python src/plot/overlap/  --chemicals inputs/versions/$version//sig-chemicals.txt  --out-dir  outputs/$version/weighted//stats/overlap/permute-dir-undir-FDR-0_05-k150/ --k-limit 150 --paths-dir outputs/$version/weighted//edgelinker/  --write-overlap  --plot-overlap  --plot-hits-overlap --mapping-file inputs/2018_01-toxcast-net/2018_01_uniprot_mapping.tsv

python src/graphspace/     --ppi inputs/versions/$version/$version-interactome-undir-penalty.txt     --version $version --ev-file /home/jeffl/svnrepo/data/interactions/compiled/2018_01/with-d2d/2018_01pathlinker-nokegg.tsv  --sourcetarget inputs/versions/$version/rec-tfs/all-rec-tfs.txt     --casestudy      --edge-overlap outputs/$version/weighted/stats/overlap/permute-dir-undir-FDR-0_05-k150/overlapping-edges.txt     --node-overlap outputs/$version/weighted/stats/overlap/permute-dir-undir-FDR-0_05-k150/overlapping-proteins.txt    --ctd-support inputs/ctd/CTD_chem_gene_ixns_human_phospho.tsv   --tag $version  --sig-chemicals inputs/versions/$version//sig-chemicals.txt --mapping-file inputs/2018_01-toxcast-net/2018_01_uniprot_mapping.tsv --overlap-cutoff 0.33 --graph-name overlap-graph-sig-0_33-k150

CTD Overlap

version="2018_01-toxcast-d2d-p1_5-u1_25"; python src/ctd_analysis/ \
    --chemicals inputs/versions/$version/sig-chemicals.txt \
    --out-dir outputs/$version/weighted/stats/ctd-analysis-test/ \
    --paths outputs/$version/weighted/edgelinker/ \
    --k-limit 150 \
    --ctd-file inputs/ctd/CTD_chem_gene_ixns_human_phospho.tsv \
    --interactome inputs/2018_01-toxcast-net/2019-02-18-human-ppi-weighted-cap0_99.txt  \
    --mapping-file inputs/2018_01-toxcast-net/2018_01_uniprot_mapping.tsv

GO term enrichment

  • all chemicals:
python src/goterm_analysis/ \
  --chemicals inputs/versions/$version/chemicals.txt \
  --out-dir outputs/$version/weighted/stats/go-analysis-k150/ \
  --paths outputs/$version/weighted/edgelinker/ \
  --k-limit 150 \
  --correction-type BF
  • For significant chemicals only: change the --chemicals file to sig-chemicals.txt
  • Use --pval-cutoff 0.01 to set the BF-corrected p-value cutoff to 0.01

Case Studies

Settings used to run REVIGO

  • We set allowed semantic similarity to 0.5, which corresponds to a "small" list size
  • For the database of GO term sizes, we used the homo sapiens database
  • All other settings set to defaults
choosing the terms after revigo
  • We removed terms with a frequency > 5%
  • Many terms still represented similar functions, so we manually chose a single term to represent clusters in the revigo output.

GO term heatmaps

  • See the notebook src/jupyter-notebooks/goterm-heatmap.ipynb

Post to GraphSpace

  • The ID for lovastatin is C75330755
python src/graphspace/  \
    --revigo-file outputs/2018_01-toxcast-d2d-p1_5-u1_25/weighted/stats/go-analysis-k150/revigo/lovastatin/lovastatin-selected-terms.tsv \
    --ctd-support-file=inputs/ctd/CTD_chem_gene_ixns_human_phospho.tsv  \
    --version 2018_01-toxcast-d2d-p1_5-u1_25 -S C75330755 \
    --user <username> \
    --pass <password> \
    --parent-nodes \
    --case-study  \
  • The ID for BPA is C80057
python src/graphspace/  \
    --revigo-file outputs/2018_01-toxcast-d2d-p1_5-u1_25/weighted/stats/go-analysis-k150/revigo/bpa/bpa-selected-terms.tsv \
    --ctd-support-file=inputs/ctd/CTD_chem_gene_ixns_human_phospho.tsv  \
    --version 2018_01-toxcast-d2d-p1_5-u1_25 -S C80057 \
    --user <username> \
    --pass <password> \
    --parent-nodes \
    --case-study  \

Post Networks to GraphSpace

  • First, make an account on graphspace as well as a group (optional)
  • The bash script below is an example of how to call for each chemical
bash src/graphspace/


Code for building and evaluating toxicant signaling networks.







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