Recipe Book
This is the first release of a web application for recipe management using angular 8 and firebase (for authentication and realtime database). This application is publicly hosted using firebase hosting at
The authentication in this project is done by the Firebase Auth REST API, allowing users to sign up using their email and password, logout, and login automatically using the browser's local storage. Once a user is authenticated, they will be able to edit and access the Firebase Realtime Database, where recipes are stored.
Once a user is authenticated, recipes can be added, deleted, or edited using the user friendly recipes page. There, users can also save and fetch data to and from the realtime database.
Shopping List
In addition to being able to manage recipes, users can also add all the ingredients of one recipe into their shopping list, which can be managed just like the recipes. Ingredients can be deleted, added, and edited.
This application is deployed at using firebase hosting.