We were our inspiration. This kind of platform could’ve prevented our parents from spending thousands on standardized testing prep. There are also free tutoring organizations all over social media, but we found ourselves questioning the quality of it. Menter ensures quality, affordable tutoring.
Menter uses people's strengths and weaknesses to offer people free tutoring. You tutor someone in a topic you are comfortable with, get a credit, and use that credit to get tutored in something you want to learn.
We built Menter using the MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js). The MongoDB database was used to store user information, and nested documents included the 5 categories of invitations each user could have (incoming invitations, outgoing invitations, scheduled meetings, canceled meetings, and completed meetings). We built a REST API using Express.js and React.js to register users, login users, send invitations, accept invitations, deny invitations, cancel invitations, complete meetings, and retrieve ranked results for the Learn and Teach pages. We built the frontend as a Single Page Application (SPA) using the React.js javascript framework using Bootstrap and Bootswatch for theming, as well as Redux for state management.
We had a difficult time figuring out what our subscription entails and how to make money with the platform in general. Once we learned to collaborate, we came to a consensus and finally moved on.
We learned all the specifics of making a pitch and how much it takes to jumpstart a startup. We underestimated the work it takes.
Growing user bases and making partnerships is our goal. Releasing and app and continuing to make partnerships with education companies who can make menter users experience better can greatly improve the user experience.
- Bootstrap
- Node.js/Express.JS
- MongoDB/Mongoose
- React.js/Redux