This service is responsible for calculating and storing the skill levels students gain by completing assessments.
A docker-compose file is provided which creates containers for both the service, a postgres database, and a dapr sidecar.
Name | Description | Value in Dev Environment | Value in Prod Environment |
spring.datasource.url | PostgreSQL database URL | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:8032/skilllevel_service | jdbc:postgresql://skilllevel-service-db-postgresql:5432/skilllevel-service |
spring.datasource.username | Database username | root | gits |
spring.datasource.password | Database password | root | secret |
DAPR_HTTP_PORT | Dapr HTTP Port | 8000 | 3500 |
server.port | Port on which the application runs | 8001 | 8001 |
content_service.url | URL for content service GraphQL | http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/content-service/method/graphql | http://app-content:4001/graphql |
Name | Description | Value in Dev Environment | Value in Prod Environment |
spring.graphql.graphiql.enabled | Enable GraphiQL web interface for GraphQL | true | true |
spring.graphql.graphiql.path | Path for GraphiQL when enabled | /graphiql | /graphiql | | Active Spring profile | dev | prod | | Hibernate dialect for PostgreSQL | org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect | org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect |
spring.datasource.driver-class-name | JDBC driver class | org.postgresql.Driver | org.postgresql.Driver |
spring.sql.init.mode | SQL initialization mode | always | always | | Show SQL queries in logs | true | false |
spring.sql.init.continue-on-error | Continue on SQL init error | true | true |
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto | Hibernate DDL auto strategy | create | update |
hibernate.create_empty_composites.enabled | Enable empty composite types in Hibernate | true | true |
DAPR_GRPC_PORT | Dapr gRPC Port | - | 50001 |
logging.level.root | Logging level for root logger | INFO | - |
The events this service publishes/subscribes to are documented on the wiki:
This service sends GraphQL queries to the content service to get information about the assessments and users' progress with them.
The ENV variable CONTENT_SERVICE_URL needs to be set to the URL of the GraphQL endpoint of the content service
The GraphQL API is described in the file.
The endpoint for the GraphQL API is /graphql
. The GraphQL Playground is available at /graphiql
A guide how to start development can be found in the wiki.