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How to setup a project

PaulBredl edited this page Jul 30, 2024 · 3 revisions

Project Setup

This page describes how to set up a project for DinoDev for an existing or new Gropius project.


Overall, the following requirements are necessary for the issue template[^1]:

[^1]: MUST, SHOULD, and MAY are used as defined in RFC 2119 (

  • The Gropius project SHOULD only use one issue template. DinoDev only supports one issue template per project. Issues of additional issue templates will not work correctly in DinoDev in the current implementation. Future versions of DinoDev might support multiple issue templates.

  • The issue template MUST include a custom field for the estimation in T-shirt sizes. The custom field MUST be of type enum and have the values XS, S, M, L, and XL. Additionally, it MUST be nullable. The name of the field SHOULD be "Estimated effort." While the name of the field is irrelevant to the current implementation, we recommend this name for a potential future implementation that automatically sets up DinoDev projects from Gropius projects.

  • The issue template MUST include a custom field for the sprint. The custom field MUST be of type int and must be nullable. The name of the field SHOULD be "Sprint," for the same reasons as above.

  • The issue template SHOULD contain at least one state that represents each of the following state types:

    • Product Backlog: Same semantics as in SCRUM, issues that are not yet planned.
    • Sprint Backlog: Issues that are planned for the current sprint.
    • In Progress: Issues that are currently being worked on.
    • Done (in Sprint): Issues that are done in the current sprint.
    • Done (completely): Issues that are completed in previous sprints.

    The corresponding states SHOULD be named equally to the state types. Omitting one of these states will likely result in broken functionality in DinoDev. The template MAY contain additional states, e.g., "In Review." An appropriate state type for any additional state must be defined in the DinoDev project configuration.

  • The issue template MUST contain three issue priorities, representing Low, Medium, and High. It MAY contain additional priorities, but these will be mapped to one of the three priorities.

  • The issue template MAY contain additional custom fields and any number of issue types.

  • The issue template MUST contain a relation representing a parent-child relationship between issues. This relation is used to model the hierarchy of issues. The name of the relation SHOULD be "Part of."

Example Template

The following template satisfies the requirements:

        "type": "IssueTemplate",
        "name": "IssueTemplate",
        "description": "The default issue template",
        "issueTypes": [
                "name": "Bug",
                "description": "A bug in the system",
                "iconPath": "M 50 15.625 C 58.6294 15.625 65.625 22.6206 65.625 31.25 C 65.625 32.3199 65.5175 33.3648 65.3126 34.3742 C 65.7837 34.7252 66.2367 35.107 66.6666 35.513 L 77.6114 25.7893 L 81.7636 30.4607 L 70.2836 40.6668 C 71.1084 42.5697 71.5656 44.669 71.5656 46.875 C 71.5656 47.6383 71.5096 48.4002 71.3984 49.1547 L 84.934 51.6129 L 83.816 57.7621 L 70.191 55.2813 L 68.3254 64.6063 L 80.5257 79.2494 L 75.7243 83.2506 L 65.7441 71.2773 C 62.9055 75.4551 58.1234 78.125 52.8156 78.125 L 47.1844 78.125 C 41.8752 78.125 37.0921 75.4537 34.2537 71.2742 L 24.2757 83.2506 L 19.4743 79.2494 L 31.6722 64.6063 L 29.8066 55.2813 L 16.184 57.7621 L 15.066 51.6129 L 28.6015 49.1561 C 28.16 46.1813 28.594 43.2594 29.7194 40.6663 L 18.2364 30.4607 L 22.3886 25.7893 L 33.3272 35.5161 C 33.7582 35.1081 34.2134 34.7237 34.6913 34.3653 C 34.4821 33.3608 34.375 32.3179 34.375 31.25 C 34.375 22.6206 41.3706 15.625 50 15.625 Z M 64.5719 43.2094 L 64.3533 42.7331 C 64.3059 42.6369 64.2569 42.5417 64.2063 42.4474 L 64.3525 42.7314 C 64.273 42.5703 64.189 42.4119 64.1007 42.2562 L 64.2063 42.4474 C 64.1192 42.2852 64.0274 42.1258 63.9313 41.9695 L 64.1007 42.2562 C 64.0111 42.0981 63.9169 41.943 63.8185 41.7908 L 63.9313 41.9695 C 63.8472 41.8328 63.7597 41.6984 63.6689 41.5665 L 63.8185 41.7908 C 63.6999 41.6073 63.575 41.4282 63.4441 41.2538 L 63.6689 41.5665 C 63.5677 41.4195 63.4625 41.2756 63.3533 41.1348 L 63.4441 41.2538 C 63.3406 41.1159 63.2334 40.9809 63.1226 40.849 L 63.3533 41.1348 C 63.2472 40.9979 63.1373 40.8641 63.0239 40.7333 L 62.6891 40.3694 L 62.6891 40.3694 C 62.4039 40.0732 62.0993 39.7958 61.7775 39.5392 C 61.724 39.4957 61.6705 39.454 61.6166 39.4129 L 61.6167 39.4138 L 61.3041 39.1849 C 61.2357 39.1371 61.1667 39.0902 61.097 39.0442 L 60.7513 38.8268 C 60.6863 38.7878 60.6208 38.7497 60.5548 38.7123 L 60.7499 38.8263 C 60.5929 38.7322 60.4329 38.6426 60.2701 38.5577 L 60.5548 38.7123 C 60.3706 38.6079 60.1825 38.5096 59.9908 38.4176 L 60.2701 38.5577 C 60.0853 38.4612 59.8968 38.3708 59.705 38.2865 L 59.7036 38.2858 L 59.4443 38.1767 C 59.4277 38.17 59.4111 38.1633 59.3945 38.1568 L 59.1603 38.0675 L 59.1603 38.0675 L 58.8726 37.9676 C 58.8497 37.9601 58.8267 37.9526 58.8038 37.9453 C 58.6626 37.9001 58.522 37.8587 58.3802 37.8206 L 58.8038 37.9453 C 58.6003 37.8801 58.3939 37.8217 58.1847 37.7703 L 57.6142 37.649 C 57.5915 37.6449 57.5688 37.6409 57.5461 37.6369 L 57.6146 37.649 C 57.4203 37.614 57.2239 37.585 57.0256 37.5621 L 57.5461 37.6369 C 57.2006 37.5773 56.8487 37.5366 56.4914 37.5159 L 55.9406 37.5 L 44.0594 37.5 C 43.7266 37.5 43.3942 37.5177 43.0637 37.553 C 43.0644 37.5579 43.0653 37.5589 43.0662 37.5599 L 42.7041 37.5985 L 42.7041 37.5985 L 42.2208 37.6821 L 42.2208 37.6821 L 41.6173 37.8233 C 41.5677 37.8366 41.5184 37.8503 41.4692 37.8644 C 41.3176 37.9078 41.1667 37.9551 41.0177 38.006 L 41.4692 37.8644 C 41.0797 37.9759 40.7023 38.1111 40.3383 38.268 L 40.2982 38.2854 C 39.9383 38.4426 39.5917 38.6211 39.2595 38.819 C 39.2046 38.8517 39.1488 38.8857 39.0934 38.9203 L 39.2595 38.819 C 39.0964 38.9162 38.9367 39.0181 38.7807 39.1244 L 39.0934 38.9203 C 38.8677 39.0613 38.6489 39.2114 38.4374 39.37 L 38.4362 39.371 L 38.3298 39.452 C 38.2937 39.4799 38.2578 39.5081 38.2221 39.5365 L 38.0364 39.6884 L 38.0364 39.6884 L 37.8278 39.8689 C 37.7845 39.9075 37.7416 39.9464 37.6991 39.9857 L 37.6144 40.0651 L 37.6144 40.0651 L 37.4567 40.2181 C 37.4071 40.2674 37.358 40.3173 37.3095 40.3677 C 37.2567 40.4226 37.2048 40.4779 37.1536 40.5337 L 37.3095 40.3677 C 37.1804 40.5019 37.0553 40.6399 36.9345 40.7813 L 37.1536 40.5337 C 37.0168 40.6829 36.885 40.8364 36.7583 40.9938 L 36.9345 40.7813 C 36.8169 40.9189 36.7034 41.0599 36.5941 41.2039 L 36.7583 40.9938 C 36.4867 41.3313 36.2387 41.6872 36.0162 42.0586 C 35.9633 42.1468 35.9124 42.2349 35.863 42.3239 C 35.8119 42.4159 35.762 42.5092 35.7138 42.6033 L 35.863 42.3239 C 35.7853 42.4637 35.7111 42.6056 35.6405 42.7494 L 35.7138 42.6033 C 35.6292 42.7683 35.5494 42.9358 35.4746 43.1058 L 35.6405 42.7494 C 35.5502 42.9332 35.4659 43.1201 35.3877 43.3099 L 35.4746 43.1058 C 35.3924 43.2927 35.3161 43.4825 35.2461 43.6749 L 35.3877 43.3099 C 34.7718 44.8039 34.5355 46.4717 34.7741 48.1703 L 34.8665 48.7136 L 35.4472 51.6125 L 36.0597 54.6875 L 37.9915 64.3386 C 38.0442 64.6022 38.1077 64.8614 38.1814 65.1157 C 38.2209 65.252 38.2632 65.3863 38.3083 65.5191 L 38.1814 65.1157 C 38.2254 65.2674 38.273 65.4173 38.3241 65.5654 L 38.3083 65.5191 C 38.3642 65.6838 38.4244 65.8462 38.4889 66.0063 L 38.3241 65.5654 C 39.5533 69.1254 42.8239 71.6349 46.6292 71.8587 L 47.1844 71.875 L 52.8156 71.875 C 56.8837 71.875 60.4369 69.2611 61.7027 65.4866 C 61.7696 65.2871 61.8299 65.085 61.8837 64.8798 L 62.0085 64.3386 L 62.9993 59.375 L 63.0004 59.3719 L 65.1335 48.7136 C 65.2546 48.1082 65.3156 47.4924 65.3156 46.875 C 65.3156 45.7655 65.1228 44.701 64.769 43.7132 L 64.5719 43.2094 L 64.5719 43.2094 Z M 50 21.875 C 44.8223 21.875 40.625 26.0723 40.625 31.25 L 40.6377 31.6292 C 40.7562 31.6026 40.8754 31.5774 40.9951 31.5534 C 42.0041 31.3516 43.0305 31.25 44.0594 31.25 L 55.9406 31.25 C 57.1161 31.25 58.2613 31.3798 59.3626 31.6259 L 59.375 31.25 L 59.375 31.25 C 59.375 26.0723 55.1777 21.875 50 21.875 Z"
                "name": "Feature",
                "description": "A new feature",
                "iconPath": "m 40.625 81.25 h 18.75 v 6.25 h -18.75 z m 0 -9.375 h 18.75 v 6.25 H 40.625 Z M 50 12.5 c -15.496 0 -28.125 12.629 -28.125 28.125 c 0 15.496 12.629 28.125 28.125 28.125 c 15.496 0 28.125 -12.629 28.125 -28.125 c 0 -15.496 -12.629 -28.125 -28.125 -28.125 z m 0 6.25 c 12.1182 0 21.875 9.7568 21.875 21.875 c 0 12.1182 -9.7568 21.875 -21.875 21.875 c -12.1182 0 -21.875 -9.7568 -21.875 -21.875 c 0 -12.1182 9.7568 -21.875 21.875 -21.875 z"
                "name": "Task",
                "description": "A task",
                "iconPath": "m 46.875 62.5 h 6.25 v 6.25 h -6.25 z m 0 -31.25 h 6.25 v 25 H 46.875 Z M 50 15.625 C 31.0522 15.625 15.625 31.0522 15.625 50 C 15.625 68.9478 31.0522 84.375 50 84.375 C 68.9478 84.375 84.375 68.9478 84.375 50 C 84.375 31.0522 68.9478 15.625 50 15.625 Z m 0 6.25 c 15.57 0 28.125 12.555 28.125 28.125 c 0 15.57 -12.555 28.125 -28.125 28.125 c -15.57 0 -28.125 -12.555 -28.125 -28.125 c 0 -15.57 12.555 -28.125 28.125 -28.125 z"
                "name": "Misc",
                "description": "Miscellaneous",
                "iconPath": "m 46.875 62.5 h 6.25 v 6.25 h -6.25 z m 0 -31.25 h 6.25 v 25 H 46.875 Z M 50 15.625 C 31.0522 15.625 15.625 31.0522 15.625 50 C 15.625 68.9478 31.0522 84.375 50 84.375 C 68.9478 84.375 84.375 68.9478 84.375 50 C 84.375 31.0522 68.9478 15.625 50 15.625 Z m 0 6.25 c 15.57 0 28.125 12.555 28.125 28.125 c 0 15.57 -12.555 28.125 -28.125 28.125 c -15.57 0 -28.125 -12.555 -28.125 -28.125 c 0 -15.57 12.555 -28.125 28.125 -28.125 z"
        "issuePriorities": [
                "name": "High",
                "description": "High priority",
                "value": 3
                "name": "Medium",
                "description": "Medium priority",
                "value": 2
                "name": "Low",
                "description": "Low priority",
                "value": 1
        "assignmentTypes": [],
        "relationTypes": [
                "name": "Depends on",
                "description": "Depends on another issue"
                "name": "Duplicate",
                "description": "Is a duplicate of another issue"
                "name": "Part of",
                "description": "Is part of another issue"
                "name":"Estimated effort",
                "name":"Product Backlog",
                "description":"The issue is open and in the product backlog",
                "name":"Sprint Backlog",
                "description":"The issue is open and planned for this sprint",
                "name":"In Progress",
                "description":"The issue is assigned to someone and this person started working on it",
                "name":"Under Review",
                "description":"The issue is open and under Review",
                "name":"Done (in Sprint)",
                "description":"The issue is completed for this Sprint and accepted by a review",
                "name":"Done (completely)",
                "description":"The issue was completed in a previous sprint",

Create a Gropius Project

If not already done, create a Gropius project for your project. Make sure that all users have the necessary permissions to access the project.

Create a DinoDev Project

The DinoDev project can only be created via the API, but an easier way is planned for the future.

  1. Use the following Query to get the necessary IDs:
query issuetempl {
  issueTemplates {
    nodes {
      issueTypes {
        nodes {
      issueStates {
        nodes {
      issuePriorities {
        nodes {
      templateFieldSpecifications {
      relationTypes {
        nodes {

The Gropius API can be accessed via the /graphiql endpoint of your Gropius instance.

  1. Use the following mutation to create a DinoDev project:
mutation createProject($input: CreateProjectInput!) {
  createProject(input: $input) {

with the following variables:

{"input": {
  "name": "<Your Project Name>",
  "description": "<Your Project Description>",
  "startingSprintNumber": 1, // <Your starting sprint number. If the project already started, you can use the current sprint number + 1>,
  "projectSettings": {
    "imsSettings": {
      "imsName": "Gropius",
      "imsProjectId": "<Your Gropius Project ID>",
      "imsIssueTemplateId": "<Your Issue Template ID>",
      "imsIcon": {},
      "effortEstimationFieldName": "Estimated effort", // check if this is also the name in your issue template
      "sprintFieldName": "Sprint", // check if this is also the name in your issue template
      "imsProjectUrl": "<url>", // URL to the Gropius project
      "partOfRelationId": "<id of the Part Of relation>",
      "issueStates": [ // check if these match the states in your issue template
        { "name": "Backlog", 
          "imsStateId": "<id of the Product Backlog state>",
          "type": "BACKLOG" },
        { "name": "Sprint Backlog", 
          "imsStateId": "<id of the Sprint Backlog state>", 
          "type": "SPRINT_BACKLOG" },
        { "name": "In Progress", 
          "imsStateId": "<id of the In Progress state>", 
          "type": "IN_PROGRESS" },
        { "name": "Under Review", 
          "imsStateId": "<id of the Under Review state>",
          "type": "IN_PROGRESS" },
        { "name": "Done (in Sprint)", 
          "imsStateId": "<id of the Done in Sprint state>",
          "type": "DONE_SPRINT"},
        { "name": "Done (completely)", 
          "imsStateId": "<id of the Done completely state>",
          "type": "DONE"}
      "issuePriorities": [
        { "imsPriorityId": "<id of the High priority>", 
          "issuePriority": "HIGH"},
        { "imsPriorityId": "<id of the Low priority>",
          "issuePriority": "LOW"},
        {"imsPriorityId": "<id of the Medium priority>",
          "issuePriority": "MEDIUM"},
        { "imsPriorityId": "<id of the High priority>",
          "issuePriority": "HIGH"}
      "issueTypes": [ // add all types of your issue template
        {"name": "Bug", "imsTypeId": "<id of the Bug type>"},
        {"name": "Misc", "imsTypeId": "<id of the Misc type>"},
        {"name": "Feature", "imsTypeId": "<id of the Feature type>"},
        {"name": "Task", "imsTypeId": "<id of the Task type>"}
    "definitionOfDone": [ // replace and adapt as needed
        "text": "My issue required changes in the code",
        "required": false,
        "implies": [
          { "text": "The code follows the coding guidelines", "required": true },
          { "text": "The code is tested", "required": true },
          { "text": "The code is reviewed by another team member", "required": true }
        "text": "My issue required changes in the documentation",
        "required": false,
        "implies": [
          { "text": "The documentation is up to date", "required": true }
    "codeRepositorySettings": {"repositories": [
      {"name": "overworld", 
        "url": "", 
        "icon": {"mdiIcon": "mdi-github"}}
      // add all repositories here that should be linked in the top toolbar


⚠️ Double check for typos. The Gropius API currently does not return very helpful error messages when a state / type / etc. is not found.

The project id of your Gropius project can be found in the URL of the project page.

After running the mutation, you should see the created project in the DinoDev UI.

Add GitHub webhooks

This can be done either organization-wide or per repository. Using organization-wide webhooks is recommended, as it reduces the number of webhooks and simplifies the setup. To setup them up, navigate to either the repository or organization settings in GitHub, then to the "Webhooks" section and add a new webhook with the following settings:

  • Payload URL: The URL of your DinoDev instance, followed by /api/webhook?projectId=<Your Project ID>. Here, the DinoDev project ID is required, which should be visible in the URL of the project page or is also in the response of the create project mutation.
  • Content type: application/json
  • Secret: Not required
  • Events: Select the events you want to trigger the webhook. For DinoDev, the following events are required:
    • pull_request
    • pull_request_review
    • push