This library is a console helper for ANSI colors, progress bars, and tables.
If you have a console that is not Windows command prompt, and you can have color in your console, this library will help you jazz up your PHP console applications.
This library requires PHP >= 7.0.
If you wish to use Console::readline
, Console::promptReadline
, or Console::optionsReadline
you will need to have the readline module loaded in PHP.
On Windows, this requires PHP >= 7.1.0
The best way to install this console helper is to use Composer.
composer require lupecode/console
See the tests folder.
Console::print('Hello World'); // Will not print a new line at the end
Console::printLine('Hello World'); // Will print a new line at the end
Console has a few built-in styles.
Console::printHeader('Header Message'); // Prints the text in a yellow box
Console::printDebug('Debug Message'); // Prints the text in a gray color
Console::printError('Error Message'); // Prints the text in a red color
Console::printStatus('Status Message'); // Prints the text in a blue color
Console::printSuccess('Success Message'); // Prints the text in a green color
Console has support for 16 color palette.
$color = new Color16();
Console::printLine('Print Line In Color', $color);
Console has support for 256 color palette. These colors range with RGB from 0 to 5 for 216 colors. There are 24 levels of grayscale.
$color = new Color256();
Console::printLine('Print Line In Color', $color);
Console has support for progress bars.
$pBar = Console::progressBar();
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
Console has support for tables.
->addRow([1, 'Lorem Ipsum and the Valley of Goblins', '987-12345678-1'])
->addRow([2, 'Lorem Ipsum and the Chair of Sadness', '987-12345678-2'])
->addRow([3, 'Lorem Ipsum and the Sands of Itchiness', '987-12345678-3'])
->addRow([4, 'Lorem Ipsum and the Lingua Franca', '987-12345678-4'])