##Meetings (while pair coding)
30/08 -> roles, way of working, and schedules are defined -> the 3 first ex got done
31/08 -> all done to ex 7 -> Full check comparisson with requirements and our code
01/09 -> Create new functions according to the requirements -> ADD checkIn fun for array of vehicles entering the parking -> ADD comments on previous funs, REPLACE manual checking with checkIn fun
02/09 -> Try to finish the checkOut fun
VehicleType -> Enum class to define what vehicles are accepted in the parking and the fee rate for each one
Vehicles.kt -> Data class that define a vehicle -> a vehicle will have a plate, vehicleTye, checkInTime, discountCard(nulleable) -> It has the equals method that assure that there will be no duplicates
Parking.kt -> Data class that has the setOf vehicles -> It has a fixed size of 20 -> Has a fun ‘addVehicle’ which verify that the limits is accomplished -> Has a fun ‘checkInTime’ Make a loop to add tons of vehicles to the set by checking with addVehicle fun
ParkingSpace.kt -> Data class wich have the difference between checkin and checkout