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Molecular dynamics codes developed by Laradji's group of an implicit-solvent model described in the article by Laradji et al. in the Journal of Chemical Physics. 2008 Jan 21; 128(3):035102. doi: 10.1063/1.2825300

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In the top (./), ./generate, ./analysis, ./analysis/asciiMod, ./analysis/xyzMod, and ./analysis/functions directories, you can make the executables in the directory with:


Install to ~/bin/ with:

	make install

And clean the directory with:

	make clean

Running, for example, a vesicle simulation can be performed by:

	liposome testLipo $RANDOM 80000 3.45
	MD testLipo

Running on a slurm cluster can be performed by creating a submission script, such as in this project, and running:

	cp test/
	cd test

Alternatively, if you make MD.cpp, or any other executable, on its own:

	g++ -O3 -fopenmp MD.cpp -o MD
	mkdir ~/bin/
	cp MD ~/bin/

Compiling on University of Memphis cluster (this one only implements tension, bonding, bending, and non-bonded interactions):

	module load cuda11.2/toolkit
	make cuda

The MDcuda executable can be used in place of the MD executable (with no other modifications).

Top (./) directory:


The simulation solver. Runs with openmp or single threaded. Makefile contains build options for the intel (icc) compiler version. Using this is easy if you generate an mpd file in a directory (like test):

	make install
	cd generate
	make liposome
	cp liposome ~/bin
	cd ../test
	liposome testLipo $(RANDOM) 5000 3.45
	MD testLipo

./generate directory:

Generates a variety of configurations (.mpd files). Executables include:

  • bendComposition: Creates a flat bilayer with variable lipid length and 2 lipid types.
  • bilayer: Creates a flat bilayer.
  • build: Creates a flat bilayer.
  • continuumSphereAndBilayer: Creates a flat bilayer with a point like nanoparticle.
  • continuumSphereAndLiposome: Creates a spherical bilayer with a point like nanoparticle.
  • continuumSphereAndLiposomeWrapped: Creates a fully liposome wrapped point like nanoparticle.
  • continuumSphereGrid: Creates a flat bilayer with a lattice of point like nanoparticles.
  • continuumSphereSurfactant: Creates a flat bilayer with surfactant particles that adhear to a point like nanoparticle and bilayer.
  • domain: Creates a flat bilayer with 2 lipid types in a domain.
  • gas: Creates a gas of particles.
  • lipoCyto: Creates a spherical bilayer with a cytoskeleton.
  • liposome: Creates a spherical bilayer.
  • nanoSphereAndBilayer: Creates a solid nanoparticle and a flat bilayer.
  • nanoSphereGrid: Creates a grid of solid nanoparticles and a flat bilayer.
  • nanoSphereModBilayer:
  • rigidNano: Creates a solid nanoparticle.
  • scl: simple cubic lattice. Mostly for example.
  • setMDConstants: Set molecular dynamics constants. Mostly for example.
  • setMDConstants_UminAH: Set molecular dynamics constants. Mostly for example.
  • solventBilayer: Creates a flat bilayer with solvent.
  • solvent: Creates a gas of solvent.
  • tetrahedron: Creates a tetrahedron. Mostly for example.
  • tube: Creates a tubular bilayer.

./analysis directory:

Do analysis and modifications of systems (with .mpd files). Executables include:

  • addBond: Add a bond to a system.
  • adjustConstants: Adjust constants of a system.
  • adjustMolecule: Adjust a moleucle of a system.
  • boundaryPotential: Add a boundary potential to a system.
  • chainBend: Calculates bending angle of lipids.
  • chainBendLeaflet: Calculates bending angle of lipids per leaflet.
  • changeDeltaT: Adjust timestep accuracy.
  • changeFrame: Modify current system's frame.
  • changeSeed: Modify the system's seed.
  • changeTemperature: Modify the system's temperature.
  • changeTension: Modify the system's tension.
  • changeTime: Modify the system's start and end times.
  • cluster: Calculates cluster sizes.
  • clusterDomains: Calculates number of cluster domains.
  • curvature3D_v7: Calculates curvature energy of a bilayer system.
  • cycleXYZ: Cycle through a system's xyz file. Mostly for example.
  • cylinderFluctuation: Calculates cylinder fluctuations?
  • diffusion: Calculates diffusion. Make sure system store step is short enough to prevent jumps.
  • duplicateImage: Duplicates a system across a dimension.
  • extractXYZ: Extract the current XYZ position's of a system.
  • forceBeadBead: Generates a graph of point like nanoparticles to other point like nanoparticles.
  • forceBead: Generates a graph of point like nanoparticles to normal particles.
  • frameReadPerSecond: Cycle through XYZ file. Mostly for example. Includes a timer.
  • framesBeadParticleCount: Counts how many beads of a particular type there are in a system.
  • frames: Cycle frames? Mostly example.
  • framesDensity: Calculates density of a frame.
  • framesDistanceBetweenIndices: Distances between two particle indices by frame.
  • framesFlipFlop: Calculates lipid flip flop through by frame.
  • framesPotentialTypePairs: Calculates potential between two types of particles.
  • framesPotentialTypePairsList: Calculates potential between two types of particles and dumps a list of those.
  • heightMap: Generates a height map from a flat system along z direction.
  • heightMapFrames: Generates a height map from a flat system along z direction for every frame.
  • lsPotentials: Dumps the non-bonded potential matricies of a system.
  • lsProjection: Dumps a graphical projection of a system along 3 primary axii.
  • modBond: Modify the a particular bonding interaction.
  • modContinuumSphere: Modify a particular point like nanoparticle interaction.
  • modContinuumSphereLong: Modify a particular point like nanoparticle interaction along with range (r_c).
  • modSize: Modify a system's size.
  • momentOfInertia: Calculation the moment of inertia of a system by frame.
  • momentOfInertiaXYZ: Generate the axii for the moment of inertia of a system by frame.
  • MSD: Mean square displacement. Diffusion.
  • nanoPotential: Nanoparticle potential of a solid nanoparticle.
  • nanoVsCOM: Nanoparticle center of mass distances by frame.
  • neckBleb: Calculates the size of a neck near a bleb.
  • netVel: Calculates the net velocity of a system.
  • NPAngleFrames: Calculates the angle between point like nanoparticles and center of mass of a liposomes.
  • nShapes: Counts the number of blebs in a system. Could be used to count exclusions from some particle.
  • particleDistances: Distances between two particles in a system.
  • potentialBeadBead: Makes a graph of potential between two point like nanoparticles.
  • potentialBead: Makes a graph of potential between a point like nanoparticle and another particle.
  • potential: Makes a graph of potential between particles.
  • profile: Slices a system along one of the three primary axii.
  • projectedCurvature: Projected curvature per layer. Use curvature_v7 instead.
  • radial: Radial profile of other particles near a given particle.
  • recenterFrames: Recenter the frames around a type, index, or molecule.
  • removeSolvent: Remove solvent from a system's XYZ file.
  • rollProfile: Obtains the center of mass and rolling angle of a solid nanoparticle.
  • rotateXYZ: Rotate an xyz file along an axis.
  • rProfile: Radial profile density around a cluster of particles in a system.
  • rProfileFrames: Radial profile density around a cluster of particles in a system's XYZ file.
  • singlePotential: Non-bonded potential of a single particle.
  • singlePotentialType: Non-bonded potential of a single particle type.
  • singlePotentialTypeHist: Histogram of a non-bonded potential of a single particle type.
  • singlePotentialTypePairs: Non-bonded potential between two particle types.
  • spherocity: Calculates the root mean square of a liposome.
  • structureFactor: Calculates the structure factor of a flat bilayer.
  • structureFactorFrames: Calculates the structure factor of a flat bilayer by frame.
  • surface: Counts the number of surfaces in a system of types seperated by some cutoff.
  • threeBodyDistribution: Average angular distribution of molecules.
  • trajectoryFrame: Dumps trajectories by frame. Uses
  • translate: Move a system by some offset.
  • twoBodyDistribution: Average distance distribution of molecules.
  • typeDistribution: Calculates radial histogram of certain types along surfaces.
  • vesicleRadius: Calculates radius of vesicle by frame.
  • zPotential: Non-bonded potential histogram along z direction.
  • zPotentialFrames: Non-bonded potential histograms along z direction for frames.
  • zProfile: Histogram of particle probabilities. Bilayer profile.

./analysis/asciiMod directory:

Do calculations on plain text files. Executables include:

  • abscissas: Generates the abscissas of a set.
  • autoCorrelation: Auto-correlation of a variable.
  • averageSets: Average a group of sets with a prefix.
  • collect: Collect a group of sets with a prefix.
  • gaussianKernelClamped: Gaussian kernal smoothing of a graph with a clamp at the average.
  • gaussianKernel: Gaussian kernal smoothing of a graph.
  • gaussianKernelProj: Gaussian kernal smoothing of a graph with a clamp at the average and zeroed.
  • runningAvg: Running average of sets.
  • skipError: Set error to zero every Nth data point.
  • splitSets2: Split sets into multiple graphs.
  • splitSets: Split sets into multiple graphs.
  • sumSeries: Sum a series of sets into a single graph.
  • sumSets: Bin values by the x column into averages of the y column.
  • wham2: Weigted Histogram Analysis Method for free energies with an offset.
  • wham: Weigted Histogram Analysis Method for free energies.

./analysis/asciiMod directory:

Do a function style calculation on command line input. Executables include:

  • isoApex: Calculates the angle between two legs within a given stride length. Useful for continuumSphereAndVesicle.

./analysis/xyzMod directory:

Do operations on xyz files. Executables include:

  • frameSkip: Only output every Nth frame.
  • framesSeperate: Seperate frames into seperate XYZ files.
  • move: Move all the particles by some offset.
  • noType: Remove the type and header information. Generates x y and z coordinates only.
  • oneTypeCount: Count all of one type.
  • oneType: Output only one type.
  • oneTypeFrames: Output only one type for frames.
  • opticalReduction: Removes hidden particles?
  • radiusTube: Radial density of a tube.
  • rmFrames: Removes certain frames.
  • selectFrames: Select a frame for output.
  • selectRange: Select a range of frames for output.
  • slice: Slices an XYZ file along an axis.
  • sortFrames: Sort particles in frame by type. Useful if particle types change frequently.
  • sphereMask: Masks a spherical range for output.
  • target: Rescale an XYZ file from another format (ddscat?).
  • xyzToBinary: Turns the XYZ file into a binary file. Can shrink files, but need binaryToXyz to make this work properly.


This file includes just one class: Blob. This is the molecular dynamics system blob of parameters and data. It works with Revalee's, et al., model. Usually, you will create a blob with a real/floating type:

	Blob<double> system;

After which, you would populate it by simply setting values, with the setNAME() or addNAME() member functions, or by a script. Once they are set, you can read the values back with the readNAME() or getNAME() functions. Set and read prefixes indicate single valued parameters. Add and get prefixes indicate multi-valued parameters, and get usually returns a pointer. Getting the size of a system is as simple as:

	threeVector<double> size=system.readSize();

The important member functions are as follows:


  • Blob(); //Constructor called everytime you create a new system.
  • molecule<T, fourVector > * addMolecule(molecule<T, fourVector > &value); //Add a molecule residue to the system.
  • molecule<T, fourVector > * setMolecule(molecule<T,fourVector > &value, int index); //Set or change a molecule residue in the system.
  • molecule<T, fourVector > * delMolecule(int index); //Delete a molecule residue in the system.
  • molecule<T, fourVector > * getMolecule(); //Return the pointer to the molecule residues in the system.
  • void addParticle(position pos, threeVector vel, threeVector acc); //Add a particle to the system. Includes the whole initial state for equations of motion.
  • void setParticle(int index, position pos, threeVector vel, threeVector acc); //Set or change a particle in the system.
  • void delParticle(int index); //Delete a particle in the system.
  • void allocParticle(int n); //Allocate some particles in the system. This is here to reduce excessive allocations.
  • position * getPositions(); //Get the pointer to the positions of particles in the system.
  • threeVector * getVelocities(); //Get the pointer to the velocities of the particles in the system.
  • threeVector * getAccelerations(); //Get the pointer to the accelerations of the particles in the system.
  • T * addTwoBodyFconst(T value); //Add a non-bonded force constant to the system.
  • void setTwoBodyFconst(int index, T value); //Set or change a non-bonded force constant in the system.
  • T * delTwoBodyFconst(int index); //Delete a non-bonded force constant in the system.
  • T * getTwoBodyFconst(); //Get a pointer to the non-bonded force constants in the system.
  • T * addTwoBodyUconst(T value); //Add a non-bonded potential constant to the system.
  • void setTwoBodyUconst(int index, T value); //Set or change a non-bonded potential constant in the system.
  • T * delTwoBodyUconst(int index); //Delete a non-bonded potential constant in the system.
  • T * getTwoBodyUconst(); //Get a pointer to the non-bonded potential constants in the system.
  • int readNParticles();//Read the number of particles in the system.
  • int readNMolecules();//Read the number of molecular residues in the system.
  • T readGamma();//Read gamma for the Langevin thermostat.
  • T readInitialTemp();//Read the initial temperature of the system, in reduced units.
  • T readFinalTemp();//Read the final temperature of the system, in reduced units.
  • int readSeed();//Read the random number seed of the system.
  • int readNTypes();//Read the number of particle types in the system.
  • threeVector readPeriodic();//Read the periodic boundaries flag in the system.
  • T readCutoff();//Read the force and potential cutoff of the non-bonded interactions.
  • threeVector readSize();//Read the size of the system, in reduced units.
  • T readInitialTime();//Read the initial time of the system, in tau.
  • T readFinalTime();//Read the ending time of the system, in tau.
  • T readDeltaT();//Read the timestep of the system, in tau.
  • T readStoreInterval();//Read the store interval of the system, in tau.
  • T readMeasureInterval();//Read the measure interval of the system, in tau.
  • T readDeltaLXY();//Read the maximum step size of the constant pressure length change, in reduced units.
  • T readRemoveSolvent();//Read the amount of solvent to remove, as a fraction of total solvent.
  • T readTempStepInterval();//Read temperature step interval.
  • twoVector readSolventGamma();//Read solvent gamma.
  • T readGammaType(int type);//Read gamma type.
  • T readTension();//Read constant tension parameter.
  • void setGamma(T value);//Set or change gamma.
  • void setInitialTemp(T value);//Set or change the initial temperature, in reduced units.
  • void setFinalTemp(T value);//Set or change the final temperature, in reduced units.
  • void setSeed(int value);//Set or change the random number seed.
  • void setNTypes(int value);//Set or change the number of particle types.
  • void setPeriodic(threeVector value);//Set or change the periodic boundaries flag.
  • void setCutoff(T value);//Set or change the non-bonded cutoff.
  • void setSize(threeVector value);//Set or change the system size, in reduced units.
  • void setInitialTime(T value);//Set or change the initial time, in tau.
  • void setFinalTime(T value);//Set or change the final time, in tau.
  • void setDeltaT(T value);//Set or change the timestep, in tau.
  • void setStoreInterval(T value);//Set or change the store interval, in tau.
  • void setMeasureInterval(T value);//Set or change the measure interval, in tau.
  • void setDeltaLXY(T value);//Set or change the maximum step size of the constant pressure length change, in reduced units.
  • void setRemoveSolvent(T value);//Set or change the fraction of solvent removal, as a fraction of total solvent.
  • void setTempStepInterval(T value);//Set temperature step interval.
  • void setSolventGamma(twoVector value);//Set solvent gamma.
  • void setTension(T value);//Set constant tension parameter


  • void doForce(int i, int j, threeVector &minImg);//Non-bonded force function between particles i and j. Utilizing the minimum image for boundaries.
  • T doPotential(int i, int j, threeVector &minImg);//Non-bonded potential function between particles i and j. Utilizing the minimum image for boundaries.
  • void doChainForce(int i);//Do CHAIN force bonded interactions on residue i. CHAIN is a combination of two and three body bonded forces.
  • void doTorsionForce(int i);//Do TORSION force bonded interactions on residue i.
  • void doBondForce(int i);//Do BOND force bonded interactions on residue i.
  • void doBendForce(int i);//Do BEND force bonded interactions on residue i.
  • void doBeadForce(int i);//Do BEAD force bonded interactions on residue i.
  • void doBoundaryForce(int i);//Do BOUNDARY force on some particles in residue i
  • fourVector doBeadNeighbors(int i);//Extract neighbor info
  • std::vector<threeVector > doBeadChain(int i); //look for bead chains
  • T doChainPotential(int i);//Return the CHAIN potential for residue i.
  • T doDihedralPotential(int i);//Return the DIHEADRAL potential for residue i.
  • T doTorsionPotential(int i);//Return the Torsion Potential for residue i.
  • T doBondPotential(int i);//Return the Bond potential for residue i.
  • T doBendPotential(int i);//Return the Bend potential for residue i.
  • T doBeadPotential(int i);//Return the Bead potential for residue i.
  • T doBoundaryPotential(int i);//Return the BOUNDARY potential on some particles in residue i.
  • T doChainDPotential(int i, threeVector aSize);//Return the change in CHAIN potential for residue i when the size changes to a new state.
  • T doDihedralDPotential(int i, threeVector aSize);//Return the change in DIHEADRAL potential for residue i when the size changes to a new state.
  • T doTorsionDPotential(int i, threeVector aSize);//Return the change in Torsion potential for residue i when the size changes to a new state.
  • T doBondDPotential(int i, threeVector aSize);//Return the change in Bond potential for residue i when the size changes to a new state.
  • T doBendDPotential(int i, threeVector aSize);//Return the change in Bend potential for residue i when the size changes to a new state.
  • T doBeadDPotential(int i, threeVector aSize);//Return the change in Bead potential for residue i when the size changes to a new state.


Molecular dynamics codes developed by Laradji's group of an implicit-solvent model described in the article by Laradji et al. in the Journal of Chemical Physics. 2008 Jan 21; 128(3):035102. doi: 10.1063/1.2825300






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