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KeyMint Rust Reference Implementation

This repository holds a reference implementation of the Android KeyMint HAL, including closely related HAL interfaces:

Repository Structure

The codebase is divided into a number of interdependent crates, as follows.

  • derive/: The kmr-derive crate holds proc macros used for deriving the kmr_wire::AsCborValue trait that is used for message serialization. This crate uses std, but is only required for the build process on the host, and does not produce code that runs on the device.
  • wire/: The kmr-wire crate holds the types that are used for communication between the userspace HAL service and the trusted application code that runs in the secure world, together with code for serializing and deserializing these types as CBOR. This crate is no_std but uses alloc.
  • common/: The kmr-common crate holds common code used throughout the KeyMint implementation. This includes metadata processing code, keyblob manipulation code, and also the abstractions used to represent access to underlying cryptographic functionality. This crate is no_std but uses alloc.
  • ta/: The kmr-ta crate holds the implementation of the KeyMint trusted application (TA), which is expected to run within the device's secure environment. This crate is no_std but uses alloc.
  • hal/: The kmr-hal crate holds the implementation of the HAL service for KeyMint, which is expected to run in the Android userspace and respond to Binder method invocations. This crate uses std (as it runs within Android, not within the more restricted secure environment).
  • boringssl/: The kmr-crypto-boring crate holds a BoringSSL-based implementation of the cryptographic abstractions from kmr-common. This crate is no_std (but using alloc); however, it relies on the Rust openssl crate for BoringSSL support, and that crate uses std.
  • tests/: The kmr-tests crate holds internal testing code.
Subdir Crate Name std? Description
derive kmr-derive Yes (build-only) Proc macros for deriving the AsCborValue trait
wire kmr-wire No Types for HAL <-> TA communication
common kmr-common No Common code used throughout KeyMint/Rust
ta kmr-ta No TA implementation
hal kmr-hal Yes HAL service implementation
boringssl kmr-crypto-boring Yes (via openssl) Boring/OpenSSL-based implementations of crypto traits
tests kmr-tests Tests and test infrastructure

Porting to a Device

To use the Rust reference implementation on an Android device, implementations of various abstractions must be provided. This section describes the different areas of functionality that are required.

Rust Toolchain and Heap Allocator

Using the reference implementation requires a Rust toolchain that can target the secure environment. This toolchain (and any associated system libraries) must also support heap allocation (or an approximation thereof) via the alloc sysroot crate.

If the BoringSSL-based implementation of cryptographic functionality is used (see below), then some parts of the Rust std library must also be provided, in order to support the compilation of the openssl wrapper crate.


  • Rust toolchain that targets secure environment.
  • Heap allocation support via alloc.

HAL Service

KeyMint appears as a HAL service in userspace, and so an executable that registers for and services the KeyMint related HALs must be provided.

The implementation of this service is mostly provided by the kmr-hal crate, but a driver program must be provided that:

  • Performs start-of-day administration (e.g. logging setup, panic handler setup)
  • Creates a communication channel to the KeyMint TA.
  • Registers for the KeyMint HAL services.
  • Starts a thread pool to service requests.

The KeyMint HAL service (which runs in userspace) must communicate with the KeyMint TA (which runs in the secure environment). The reference implementation assumes the existence of a reliable, message-oriented, bi-directional communication channel for this, as encapsulated in the kmr_hal::SerializedChannel trait.

This trait has a single method execute(), which takes as input a request message (as bytes), and returns a response message (as bytes) or an error.

A (shared) instance of this trait must be provided to each of the kmr_hal::<interface>::Device types, which allows them to service Binder requests for the relevant interface by forwarding the requests to the TA as request/response pairs.


  • Implementation of HAL service, which registers for all HAL services.
  • SELinux policy for the HAL service.
  • init.rc configuration for the HAL service.
  • Implementation of SerializedChannel trait, for reliable HAL <-> TA communication.
  • Populate userspace environment information at start of day, using kmr_hal::send_hal_info().

The Cuttlefish implementation of the KeyMint/Rust HAL service provides an example of all of the above.

TA Driver

The kmr-ta crate provides the majority of the implementation of the KeyMint TA, but needs a driver program that:

  • Performs start-of-day administration (e.g. logging setup).
  • Populates initially required information (e.g. kmr_ta::HardwareInfo)
  • Creates a kmr_ta::KeyMintTa instance.
  • Configures the communication channel with the HAL service.
  • Configures the communication channel with the bootloader, which is required so that the current root-of-trust boot information can be received.
  • Holds the main loop that:
    • reads request messages from the channel(s)
    • passes request messages to kmr_ta::KeyMintTa::process(), receiving a response
    • writes response messages back to the relevant channel.


  • Implementation of main equivalent for TA, handling scheduling of incoming requests.
  • Implementation of communication channel between HAL service and TA.
  • Implementation of communication channel from bootloader to TA.
    • Trigger call to kmr_ta::KeyMintTa::set_boot_info on receipt of boot info.

The Cuttlefish implementation of the KeyMint/Rust TA provides an example of all of the above.


The bootloader is required to transmit root of trust and boot state information to the TA at start of day, so the TA can bind keys to the root of trust appropriately. The bootloader should fill out and send a kmr_wire::SetBootInfoRequest message to do this.


  • Implementation of communication channel from bootloader to TA.
  • Trigger for and population of kmr_wire::SetBootInfoRequest message.

Cryptographic Abstractions

The KeyMint TA requires implementations for low-level cryptographic primitives to be provided, in the form of implementations of the various Rust traits held in kmr_common::crypto.

Note that some of these traits include methods that have default implementations, which means that an external implementation is not required (but can be provided if desired).


  • RNG implementation.
  • Constant time comparison implementation.
  • AES implementation.
  • 3-DES implementation.
  • HMAC implementation.
  • RSA implementation.
  • EC implementation (including curve 25519 support).
  • AES-CMAC or CKDF implementation.
  • Secure time implementation.

BoringSSL-based implementations are available for all of the above (except for secure time).

Device Abstractions

The KeyMint TA requires implementations of traits that involve interaction with device-specific features or provisioned information, in the form of implementations of the various Rust traits held in kmr_hal::device.


  • Root key retrieval implementation.
  • Attestation key / chain retrieval implementation.
  • Attestation device ID retrieval implementation.
  • Retrieval of BCC and DICE artefacts.
  • Secure storage implementation (optional).
  • Bootloader status retrieval (optional)
  • Storage key wrapping integration (optional).
  • Trusted user presence indication (optional).
  • Legacy keyblob format converter (optional).

Supporting Older Versions of the KeyMint HAL

The reference implementation has the ability to behave like an earlier version of the KeyMint HAL. To enable emulation of (say) KeyMint v1, link the HAL service against the libkmr_hal_v1 and libkmr_wire_hal_v1 targets rather than libkmr_hal / libkmr_wire.


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