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Useful git commands

Matias Griese edited this page Oct 21, 2013 · 10 revisions

High level git overview

Check out this high-level overview of git and how it is different from the likes of svn:


If you want to make a patch from one commit (K1.6 -> K2.0), you can do it like this:

git show 1990134b2d599a9c879d > ../joomla17.patch

Tagging a release:

git tag -a 3.0.3 -m 'Kunena 3.0.3 Release'
git push upstream --tags

Finding out all changes between two releases:

git fetch --tags upstream
git log --no-merges --oneline 2.0.3..2.0.4 >../changelog-2.0.4.txt


Here is a tiny little helper that was used to convert various sub-projects from our prior svn trunk structure into git: