Within this document the scope of the translation from R to C is described. It is crucial, that very few functions are supported. Even though the relevant functions to define ode systems or loss functions should be available.
- arithmetic functions:
- +, -, * and /
- trigonometric functions:
- sin, cos, tan, etc.
- subsetting:
- one element subsetting
- interpolation via catmull rom spline interpolation
- numeric vectors (can be matrices -> handled at runtime)
- scalar doubles
- scalar ints
first traversion over R code
- find all variables
- stop at prohibited functions: e.g. EXPR_d, Vector, VectorManager, etc.
- create symbol table [index, variable name, type]
second traversion over R code
- remove type annotation of each EXPR
- gather constant ints, doubles and bools
- gather all variables found in the expression
define function signature
define function declaration
define memory freeing
assemble function