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Releases: KobeArthurScofield/Auto-Ping-Worker

Auto Ping Worker C# Windows

25 Sep 11:58
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This update made a wider view of the console.
Accelerated IP processing has been added.

Auto Ping Worker C# Windows

10 Sep 03:28
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Enhanced destination view.

Auto Ping Worker C# Windows

10 Sep 01:02
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This update include:
Only one DNS query occurred after pressing down the Start;
Logcat now can display the IP of the host name.

Auto Ping Worker C# Windows

08 Sep 12:52
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Fixed non-cleanup code caused negative PL.

Auto Ping Worker C# Windows

08 Sep 08:46
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This update fixed:
A design mistake makes when ping rtt <1ms will cause failed package count goes to negative making the PL value invalid.

Auto Ping Worker C# Windows

08 Sep 07:27
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This version includes fixes and improvements.
Status bar words and fonts changed to prevent possible overflow;
Average ping time and package loss have two digits of decimals;
Hints changed;
Now locks added to prevent status updates at the same time causing mistakes and errors.

Note: the dying of ping worker launcher remain unsolved.

Note: Until the multi-language update or other major function updates, the version will keep 1.1.x as minor fixes.

Auto Ping Worker C# Windows

08 Sep 07:14
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This full update version included fixes and contents:
Log fonts changed for better view;
Marking backbone updated to enumerators instead of integer to prevent more bugs;
Input fields will lock when running ping;
More logs for capturing what's happening;
Logcat won't crash itself easily.

Note: the author found that stop the ping then start it before all remaining ping threads complete their works, the launcher will die in seconds. Reason unknown :-(

Auto Ping Worker C# Windows

08 Sep 06:55
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This is the initial release for Auto Ping Worker on Windows in C#.
For some reasons, this release may contain bugs, weird displays and misleading expressions.