#S3DeployJS ##NodeJS Tool Deploying Files to AWS S3
This project is all about showing a NodeJS command-line tool pushing files up to an S3 bucket.
Why does it look like there's a website here? It's a simple one I made serving as sample files showing at least what this file upload tool can do deploying a typical website to Amazon S3. These are the types of static resources best served from their service.
Automating deployments is always a good thing. Reducing friction makes a process more fun, people are more willing to do it, and shiping working code to users is a blast!
##Accompanying Article For lots more details and analysis read the accompanying technical article
- "git clone" the repo of course
- "npm install" to bring down dependency packages
- edit the AwsConfig.json file replacing these placeholder values with your proper AWS credentials:
"accessKeyId": "XXXXXXX",
"secretAccessKey": "YYYYYYYY",
"region": "us-east-1"
- Edit S3Deploy.js changing line #2 with your own bucket name avoiding conflict with any existing ones
var BUCKET_NAME = 's3deploy.example';
##Command-line Params Run this from a Terminal command line, naturally.
node S3Deploy.js [param]
- audio folderName
- code
- createBucket
- css
- images
- index
- list
##Learn Have a good look at S3Deploy.js because it's where all the good stuff goes on. Reading that code gives lots of concrete examples all of you can well use.
##Further Info
- Read the accompanying technical article
- Reach out to me on Twitter @KenTabor
- AWS SDK for JavaScript NodeJS
- Source code repo on GitHub S3DeployJS
Please share this repo and the accompanying article with those who will benefit.