A workaround to DeepRemaster's low resolution limitation.
Since Satoshi Iizuka's DeepRemaster functions well only with small videos (432 x 320), a solution for coloring higher resolution videos is to extract the chroma from the small video and layer it over the larger-sized black and white video.
The program takes two inputs: The original black and white mp4, and the colored mp4 output from DeepRemaster. The output is a full res avi, as well as a folder of all the video frames with the color transferred over to the original black and white frames.
This illustrates what the program does for each frame.
Demonstration video :
Download the repository:
git clone https://github.com/JohannSuarez/chroma_blend.git
Once inside the chroma_blend directory, install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You're good to go!
python3 chroma_blend.py [black_and_white.mp4] [colorized.mp4]
Since this program as a whole relies on two smaller modules, the modules themselves can be used as standalone programs. The modules located in the "cblend_modules" directory are:
colorizer.py - For colorizing the frames.
python3 colorizer.py [bw_image] [colorized_image]
vid2pngs.py - For splitting videos into pngs. A directory is created for the output pngs.
python3 vid2pngs.py [input_video]