This arduino sketch allows control of a Black Magic ATEM video switch using an XKeys keyboard connected to an arduino.
Libraries required:
- usbhid.h / hiduniversal.h / Usb.h :-
- hidxkeysrptparser.h :- (USBHID-fixes branch)
- ATEM.h :-
- Timer.h :-
- Steaming.h :-
Libraries are included in the Libraries directory through git submodules other than ATEM.h which is directly included as the Skaarhoj repository doesn't easily allow for including a single library.
Note: This will currently build for the Arduino Mega ADK and assumes that the arduino toolchain is installed to /opt/arduino-1.8.2. If you wish to build for a different device you can use the arduino IDE or adjust the build.options.json file accordingly.
# Checkout from github:
git checkout
cd arduino-ATEM-xkeys
# Update Git Submodules
git submodule update --init
# run arduino builder
arduino-builder -build-options-file ./build.options.json -verbose -compile ./arduino-ATEM-xkeys.ino
- Replace ATEM.h with ATEMstd.h
- READ Settings from SD Card
- Web Interface for configuration
- Make it work on the Arduino Yún or Arduino Tian for an all-in-one device.
I have tested this with an X-Keys XK60 with a Black Magic ATEM Production Studio 4K running on an Arduino Mega ADK with Ethernet shield.