Websho is a movie streaming app which customizes its selection to the users viewing history. Choose from a catalog of 1000+ movies from more than 10 genres. You can also browse movies more easily by using the search functionality.
NOTE: You can only stream trailers of movies.
This repository is for the Rails backend, visit here for the front-end code base
Click here for the hosted app. Rails app was deployed to Heroku.
This project was created in Rails, React and Postgres.
Some of the techniques used to create this app:
- Created 4 Active Record models with PostgreSQL to store users, reviews, viewership patterns and a catalog of 1000+ movies.
- Seeded database with movie metadata obtained from TheMovieDB API.
- Created custom movie recommendation lists in Rails which were tailored to each users viewing history.
- Generated search results based on movie search queries.
- Used the react-youtube npm package to stream youtube trailers fetched from TheMovieDB.
cd to project directory
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
and finally
rails s
- Ruby on Rails
- React.js
- react-youtube npm package
- PostgreSQL
- JSON Web Tokens
- ActiveRecord
- TheMovieDB Gem