If you like Falcon, but you miss the organization of Django or other MVC, you can use this boilerplate.
Falcon is a bare-metal Python web API framework for building very fast app backends and microservices.
Generic run command:
gunicorn -b wsgi:app
Useful gunicorn flags for development:
gunicorn -b --reload --access-logfile - wsgi:app
Or modify the gunicorn_start script to run in whatever flavor you prefer. This is tailored for deployment though.
The layout is subject to change, I'm still trying to decide whether this is the best layout.
However if you plan on adopting this boilerplate, I'll try to make sure that the current run command will always work.
│ │ __init__.py
│ │ settings.py
│ │ urls.py
│ │ views.py
│ │
│ └───templates
│ │ base.html
│ │ index.html
│ │ gunicorn_start.sh
| .gitignore
│ requirements.txt
| wsgi.py
I've added Jinja2 templating, but if you plan on only having web API framework, you can remove the app/templates
directory and web/settings.py
Before you go crazy on me because I'm missing the models part of MVC, I left this out purposely. This is so you can pick your own database/ORM technology if you decide to use one.