Minimalist dash/gauge display) that displays data from your OBD reader (right now using Python-OBD, plan to tweak for external data later)
Currently only setup to display on an RPi 7" display, this will be changed too!
Still extremely WIP!!!
- WIP configuration app/panel for tweaking all settings
- 6 "sections", will allow tweaking these later.
- RPM bar with 3 configurable zones (Warn, alert, and alarm)
- Coolant temp bar and value readout (currently only in C, will add F)
- Throttle position display
- Speed display that can be swapped between MPH and KPH
- Gear display (calculated from ratios, needs tweaking to work with other cars)
- Shift suggestions (I called it SmartShift, its extremely annoying, ill make it optional)
- Connection status (bottom left)
- ProShift: Shows all gears and what their current RPM would be, allows for easy revmatching + helps pick the right gear (needs work)
- RPM Bar across the top
- Coolant temp up the right side (closest to driver in RHD car, will add LHD mode)
- Unused
- Speed in MPH or KPH
- Throttle position bar [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED]
- Brake position bar
- clutch position bar
- steering position bar
- Car voltage(?)
- Connection status
- ProShift gear and RPM information (will allow this to be disabled)