Hacks is a server-side cheat plugin for PocketMine that includes various cheats such as Chest Stealer, Hitbox, Killaura, NoFall, Nuker, Reach, Scaffold, Speed, and Velocity.
- Chest Stealer - works fine
- Hitbox - works fine - customizable range
- Killaura - works fine - customizable range
- NoFall - works fine - customizable percentage for it to happen
- Nuker - works fine - customizable radius
- Reach - A lil buggy (does not always work) - customizable range
- Scaffold - A lil buggy (does not always work) - NOT customizable right now
- Speed - works fine - customizable speed amount
- Velocity - works fine - customizable Horizontal and Vertical knockback
- Customizable range, percentage, radius, speed, and knockback
- UI-based cheats
- Command: /hacks, /hack, /cheat
- Permission: hacks.command
This plugin is in beta. If you encounter any bugs or issues with crashes, please report them on the GitHub issues page.
If you have any suggestions for additional cheats to add to the plugin, please feel free to suggest them on the GitHub issues page.
Hacks is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.
- Permissions for each hacks
- Use RayTrace for Reach
- Use Task for Scaffold