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kbuzzard committed Dec 7, 2023
1 parent 545578d commit 5a5c83c
Showing 1 changed file with 205 additions and 21 deletions.
226 changes: 205 additions & 21 deletions FLT/Basic/Reductions.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,21 +3,23 @@ import Mathlib.NumberTheory.FLT.Four
import Mathlib

This file proves the results which reduce Fermat's Last Theorem
This file proves many of the key results which reduce Fermat's Last Theorem
to Mazur's theorem and the Wiles-Taylor-Wiles theorem.
# Main definitions
* `Frey_package` : A Frey Package is the data of nonzero coprime integers
$$(a,b,c)$$ and a prime $$p ≥ 5$$ such that $$a^p+b^p=c^p$$ and furthermore
such that $$a$$ is 3 mod 4 and $$b$$ is 0 mod 2.
$(a,b,c)$ and a prime $p \geq 5$ such that $a^p+b^p=c^p$ and furthermore
such that $a$ is 3 mod 4 and $b$ is 0 mod 2.
# Main theorems
* A counterexample to Fermat's Last Theorem gives a Frey Package
* There is no Frey Package
* `Frey_package.false`: There is no Frey Package

/-- Fermat's Last Theorem as stated in mathlib (a statement about naturals)
implies Fermat's Last Theorem stated in terms of positive integers. -/
theorem PNat.pow_add_pow_ne_pow_of_FermatLastTheorem :
FermatLastTheorem → ∀ (a b c : ℕ+) (n : ℕ) (_ : n > 2),
a ^ n + b ^ n ≠ c ^ n := by
Expand All @@ -30,10 +32,10 @@ namespace FLT
A *Frey Package* is a 4-tuple (a,b,c,p) of integers
satisfying some axioms (including $$a^p+b^p=c^p$$).
satisfying some axioms (including $a^p+b^p=c^p$).
The axioms imply that all of
the all the results in section 4.1 of Serre's paper [serre]
apply to the curve $$Y^2=X(X-a^p)(X+b^p).$$
apply to the curve $Y^2=X(X-a^p)(X+b^p).$
structure Frey_package where
a : ℤ
Expand All @@ -51,49 +53,231 @@ structure Frey_package where

namespace Frey_package

namespace of_not_FermatLastTheorem

/-- This function will only be applied when the input integers $a$, $b$, $c$
are all nonzero and satisfy $a^p+b^p=c^p$ with $p$ odd. Under these hypotheses,
it casts out common factors and then rearranges to ensure that the solution
furthermore satisfies $a\cong 3$ mod 4 and $b$ is even. -/
def aux₁ (a b c : ℤ) :
ℤ × ℤ × ℤ :=
let d := gcd a b
-- First cast out the common factor (d=gcd(a,b,c) in all applications),
let a₁ := a / d
let b₁ := b / d
let c₁ := c / d
match (b₁ : ZMod 2) with
| 0 => -- b is even
match (a₁ : ZMod 4) with
| 3 => (a₁, b₁, c₁) -- answer if b is even and a is 3 mod 4
| _ => (-a₁, -b₁, -c₁) -- answer if b is even and a is 1 mod 4
| _ => -- b is odd
match (a₁ : ZMod 2) with
| 0 => -- b is odd and a is even
match (b₁ : ZMod 4) with
| 3 => (b₁, a₁, c₁) -- answer if b is 3 mod 4 and a is even
| _ => (-b₁,-a₁,-c₁) -- answer if b is 1 mod 4 and a is even
| _ => -- b and a are both odd
match (a₁ : ZMod 4) with
| 3 => (a₁, -c₁, -b₁) -- answer if a is 3 mod 4 and b is odd
| _ => (-a₁, c₁, b₁) -- answer if a is 1 mod 4 and b is odd

variable {a : ℤ} (b c : ℤ)

-- for mathlib?
lemma Int.dvd_div_iff {a b c : ℤ} (hbc : c ∣ b) : a ∣ b / c ↔ c * a ∣ b := by
· rintro ⟨x, hx⟩
use x
rcases hbc with ⟨y, rfl⟩
by_cases hc : c = 0
· simp [hc]
· rw [Int.mul_ediv_cancel_left _ hc] at hx
rw [hx, mul_assoc]
· rintro ⟨x, rfl⟩
rw [mul_assoc]
by_cases hc : c = 0
· simp [hc]
· simp [Int.mul_ediv_cancel_left _ hc]

lemma ZMod4cases (q : ZMod 4) : q = 0 ∨ q = 1 ∨ q = 2 ∨ q = 3 := by
fin_cases q <;> tauto

lemma aux {b} (hd : gcd a b ≠ 0) (h1 : 2 ∣ a / gcd a b) (h2 : 2 ∣ b / gcd a b) : False := by
rw [Int.dvd_div_iff] at h1 h2
have := dvd_gcd h1 h2
have : gcd a b * 2 ∣ gcd a b * 1 := by simpa
rw [mul_dvd_mul_iff_left] at this
· norm_num at this
· exact hd
· exact gcd_dvd_right a b
· exact gcd_dvd_left a b

lemma aux₁.ha4 (ha : a ≠ 0) : ((aux₁ a b c).1 : ZMod 4) = 3 := by
let d := gcd a b
let a₁ := a / d
let b₁ := b / d
simp only [aux₁]
· rename_i _ b_even
· rename_i _ a3mod4
exact a3mod4
· rename_i _ a1mod4
have foo : 2 ∣ b₁ := by
exact (ZMod.int_cast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd b₁ 2).mp b_even
have bar : ¬ 2 ∣ a₁ := by
intro h
apply aux _ h foo
rename_i x x_1
simp_all only [ne_eq, Fin.zero_eta, gcd_eq_zero_iff, false_and, not_false_eq_true]
-- want to do fin_cases on (-a₁ : ZMod 4)
rcases ZMod4cases (-a₁ : ℤ) with (h | h | h | h)
· rw [ZMod.int_cast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd] at h
simp only [Nat.cast_ofNat, dvd_neg] at h
apply bar
refine dvd_trans ?_ h
· exfalso
apply a1mod4
simp only [Int.cast_neg, neg_eq_iff_eq_neg] at h
rw [h]
· exfalso
apply bar
simp only [Int.cast_neg, ← add_eq_zero_iff_neg_eq] at h
have foo : ((a₁ + 2 : ℤ) : ZMod 4) = 0 := by assumption_mod_cast
rw [ZMod.int_cast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd] at foo
rw [← dvd_add_left (c := 2) (by norm_num)]
refine dvd_trans ?_ foo
· exact h
· rename_i hb1
· split
· rename_i _ b3mod4
exact b3mod4
· rename_i _ b1mod4
-- now need to check a
rcases ZMod4cases b₁ with (h | h | h | h)
· rw [ZMod.int_cast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd] at h
simp only [Nat.cast_ofNat, dvd_neg] at h
apply hb1
simp only [Fin.zero_eta, ZMod.int_cast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd]
refine dvd_trans ?_ h
· simp [h]
· rw [← sub_eq_zero] at h
have foo : ((b₁ - 2 : ℤ) : ZMod 4) = 0 := by assumption_mod_cast
apply hb1
rw [ZMod.int_cast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd] at foo
apply (ZMod.int_cast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd _ 2).2
rw [← dvd_sub_left (c := 2) (by norm_num)]
refine dvd_trans ?_ foo
· contradiction
· rename_i _ a_odd
· rename_i _ a3mod4
exact a3mod4
· rename_i _ a1mod4
rcases ZMod4cases a₁ with (h | h | h | h)
· exfalso
apply a_odd
change _ = 0
rw [ZMod.int_cast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd] at h ⊢
refine dvd_trans ?_ h
· simp [h]
· exfalso
apply a_odd
change _ = 0
rw [ZMod.int_cast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd]
rw [← dvd_sub_left (c := 2) (by norm_num)]
rw [← sub_eq_zero] at h
have foo : ((a₁ - 2 : ℤ) : ZMod 4) = 0 := by assumption_mod_cast
rw [ZMod.int_cast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd] at foo
refine dvd_trans ?_ foo
· exfalso
apply a1mod4
exact h

end of_not_FermatLastTheorem

-- these sorries are quite long and tedious to fill in. See for example the
-- proof of `ha4` above.
/-- Given a counterexample to Fermat's Last Theorem with p ≥ 5, we can make
a Frey package. -/
def of_not_FermatLastTheorem {a b c : ℤ} (ha : a ≠ 0) (hb : b ≠ 0) (hc : c ≠ 0)
(p : ℕ) (hp : 5 ≤ p) (h : a^p + b^p = c^p) : Frey_package where
a := (of_not_FermatLastTheorem.aux₁ a b c).1
b := (of_not_FermatLastTheorem.aux₁ a b c).2.1
c := (of_not_FermatLastTheorem.aux₁ a b c).2.2
ha0 := sorry
hb0 := sorry
hc0 := sorry
p := p
hp5 := hp
hFLT := sorry
hgcdab := sorry
ha4 := of_not_FermatLastTheorem.aux₁.ha4 b c ha
hb2 := sorry

lemma hgcdac (P : Frey_package) : gcd P.a P.c = 1 := by
sorry -- see below

lemma hgcdbc (P : Frey_package) : gcd P.b P.c = 1 := by
sorry -- these should be one issue

/-! The elliptic curve associated to a Frey package. The conditions imposed
/-- The elliptic curve associated to a Frey package. The conditions imposed
upon a Frey package guarantee that the running hypotheses in
Section 4.1 of [Serre] all hold. -/
def FreyCurve (P : Frey_package) : EllipticCurve ℚ := {
a₁ := 1
a₂ := (P.b ^ P.p - 1 - P.a ^ P.p) / 4
a₃ := 0
a₄ := - (P.a ^ P.p) * (P.b ^ P.p) / 16
a₄ := -(P.a ^ P.p) * (P.b ^ P.p) / 16
a₆ := 0
Δ' :=
⟨- (P.a ^ P.p) ^ 2 * (P.b ^ P.p) ^ 2 * (P.c ^ P.p) ^ 2 / 2 ^ 8, -- or whatever it comes out to be with Lean's conventions
Δ' := ⟨- (P.a ^ P.p) ^ 2 * (P.b ^ P.p) ^ 2 * (P.c ^ P.p) ^ 2 / 2 ^ 8, -- or whatever it comes out to be with Lean's conventions
sorry, -- whatever 1 / the right answer is,
sorry, sorry-- unwise to embark on these until `coe_Δ'` is proved
coe_Δ' := sorry -- check that the discriminant is correctly computed.

/-- There is no Frey package. -/
/-- There is no Frey package. This profound result is proved using
work of Mazur and Wiles/Ribet to rule out all possibilities for the
$p$-torsion in the corresponding Frey curve. -/
theorem false (P : Frey_package) : False := by
/- Let E be the global minimal model of the corresponding
Frey curve. -/
let E : EllipticCurve ℚ := FreyCurve P
let K : Type := sorry -- alg closure of ℚ
let i : Field K := sorry
let i : Algebra ℚ K := sorry
let K : Type := AlgebraicClosure ℚ
let V : Type := sorry -- E[p]
let i : AddCommGroup V := sorry
let i : Module (ZMod P.p) V := sorry
let ρ : Representation (ZMod P.p) (K ≃ₗ[ℚ] K) V := sorry -- action of G on E[p]
sorry -- case split on whether ρ is reducible or not.
-- Then Mazur's theorem shows reducible case is impossible
-- and Ribet's theorem shows irreducible case is impossible
-- Then Mazur's theorem shows reducible case is impossible (this is where we use p>=5)
-- and Ribet's theorem plus modularity shows irreducible case is impossible
-- We shall give a different proof of this.
end Frey_package

theorem FermatLastTheorem.of_prime_ge_5 (p : ℕ) (hp₁ : p.Prime) (hp₂ : p ≥ 5) :
FermatLastTheoremFor p := by
-- assume a counterexample, make a Frey package
-- and then use Frey_package → False
-- rewrite as a statement about integers
rw [fermatLastTheoremFor_iff_int]
-- Now assume a counterexample
intros a b c ha hb hc h
-- Now we have to make a Frey package.
-- Step 1: divide a,b,c by their highest common factor.
-- Step 2: if b isn't even then swap it with a or -c
-- Step 3: Now a must be odd; if it's 1 mod 4 then change the signs of a,b,c.
-- Now make the Frey package and then use `Frey_package.false`

theorem Wiles_Taylor_Wiles : FermatLastTheorem := by
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