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Ignacio Vellido Exposito edited this page Jun 21, 2021 · 6 revisions

📝 Generation of PDDL domains

First, you will need to produce a PDDL domain and a configuration file for the agent to use. The PDDL-parser allows the generation of both files from the VGDL game description.

The available options, with their parameters, are:

usage: $ make parser/makefile OPTION [gi=VALUE] [go=VALUE]

- help: Show help

- pddl-game: Generate only the PDDL domain
  - gi: VGDL game description path.
  - go: Output path

- config: Generate configuration and PDDL domain
  - gi: Path to VGDL description file
  - go: Name to be given to the output files

The parser is also capable of producing HTN domains. For further information, go to this repo.

🏃 Running the agent

To run the agent, execute the following command:

$ java -jar target/GVGAI-PDDL-1.0.jar [ options ]

The detailed list of options are:

Usage: GVGAI-PDDL [-dhpsV] [--localhost] [-c=<configurationFile>] -g=<gameIdx>
Launches a new GVGAI game played by a planning agent or by a human.
  -c, --config=<configurationFile>
                           YAML configuration file that will be used by the
  -d, --debug              Debug mode.
  -g, --game=<gameIdx>     Game to be played.
  -h, --help               Show this help message and exit.
  -l, --level=<levelIdx>   Level to be played.
      --localhost          Call planner running on localhost.
  -p, --problem-only       Generate PDDL problem without calling the planner.
  -s, --save               Save runtime information (problems, plans and log).
  -v, --visuals            Show game visuals at runtime.

The levelIdx parameter ranges from 0 to 4 (except . To find out what the gameIdx of a given game is, please check this file.

👾 Games

The list of games (and their IDs) where the agent has been tested are:

  4 - Bait
 11 - Boulderdash 
 13 - Butterflies    
 14 - Cakybaky       
 19 - ChipsChallenge
 51 - IceAndFire   
 87 - Sokoban     
108 - Zelda         
109 - Zenpuzzle
122 - SimplifiedBoulderdash

🕹️ Human player

If you want to play a level of a given game to mess with it and understand it better, just run the system with the following options:

$ java -jar target/GVGAI-PDDL-1.0.jar -g [gameIdx] -l [lvlIdx]

👾 Run agent using configuration file

To run the system using the implemented planning agent, you must specify the path of a configuration file. To do so, run the system with the following options:

$ java -jar target/GVGAI-PDDL-1.0.jar -g [gameIdx] -l [lvlIdx] -c [configurationFile]

🐛 Debugging mode

The system also has a debugging mode, which can be very handy if you want to get more information during execution time. To enable it, run the system with the following options:

$ java -jar target/GVGAI-PDDL-1.0.jar -g [gameIdx] -l [lvlIdx] -c [configurationFile] -d

Note: In order to run the debugging mode, you have to use the implemented planning agent. Thus, you must specify a configuration file. Otherwise, the -d flag won't do anything.

💾 Save runtime information

You can also save runtime information such as the generated problems, the response plans and a log file which contains information about everything that is going on in the system. To enable this option, run the system as follows:

$ java -jar target/GVGAI-PDDL-1.0.jar -g [gameIdx] -l [lvlIdx] -c [configurationFile] -s

Note: This option is only available if you are running the implemented planning agent. Thus, you must specify a configuration file. Otherwise, the -s flag won't do anything.