Backup, restore, and sync the prefs and settings for my toolbox.
Update: On this very day, 11/13/2020, I have converted to nvim
Update: On this very day, 12/22/2020, nvim
is slow af. Going back to regular vim 8
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone
- Change into the cloned directory:
$ cd dotfiles
- Move it to your home directory:
$ cp -r * ~/
- Open up the file in vim and run the following commands:
:source %
- For tmux, my prefix is both
- homebrew
- git
- Java 8-11
- Node (npm comes along)
- python 3, PIP, IPython
- Cocoapods
- Skim PDF Reader (for LaTeX)
Some good CoC stuffs for VIM:
:CocInstall coc-tsserver
:CocInstall coc-python