This is my own cellular automaton
The rules are as follows:
-The world is made out a grid of cells aka "people"
-Each person holds some numbers:
-Reproduction Value
-Colony ID
-Each person also holds some booleans
-Whether they are alive or dead
-Whether they are diseased or not
-At the start:
-A few "colonies" are set up. Each colony has their own colour value
-A few random locations around a map are set up, for each colony to originate from
-50 people are placed are each of these locations, and are given the respective colony ID
-Each step:
-Each person:
- Increases in "Age" and "Reproduction Value"
- Has a 50% chance of being cured of disease, given they have it
- Tries to move to a random spot around them:
-If they try move onto water, they will not move
-If they try move onto land, they will move there
-If they try move to a place where someone of a DIFFERENT colony is:
-They fight:
-Person with higher strength value stays fine.
-Person with lower strength value dies.
-If they try move to a place where someone of the SAME colony is:
-If the person is diseased, then there is a 50% chance of giving/ catching it
-If the person's "Reproduction Value" is greater than a "Reproduction Threshold"
-The person gives birth
-The child:
-Inherits the parent's Colony ID
-Inherits the parent's Strength value
-Inherits the parent's Disease (if parent is diseased)
-Has a chance of mutating:
-Slim Chance -> Gets diseased
-Slightly Larger Chance -> Child is born weaker,
The easiest way to build is to use vcpkg and install libraries through this:
vcpkg install sfml
vcpkg integrate install
Then open the Visual Studio project file, and it should build.
Requires conan.
python3 -m pip install conan==1.61.0
To build, at the root of the project:
sh scripts/ install
The install argument is only needed for the first time compilation as this is what grabs the libraries from Conan.
So after the first time, you can simply run:
sh scripts/
To run, at the root of the project:
sh scripts/
To build and run in release mode, simply add the release
sh scripts/ release
sh scripts/ release