The Kingtides community is a global network of people who organize events to raise awareness of global warming impacts on our shorelines, due to sea level rise.
This repository hosts the international King Tides Project website.
The site is currently in alpha state - we're putting the final touches on to redirect the domain here (and we'll be shutting down our current Wordpress site).
You can see the site in progress here for now.
Please feel free to contribute an issue with your suggested improvements here.
We're offering up the code to anyone interested in hosting a King Tides Project. You can fork this code and deploy your own Github pages site (learn more about how here).
We recommend you update the header logo with a reference to your local initiative, and perhaps some content related to your local events and initiatives. Heck, you could even add a picture of your King Tide loving cat if you like. 🌊 😺