- Python 3.4
- Requests
- Beautiful Soup 4
Install these dependencies on an Ubuntu system with
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-requests python3-bs4
You can get away with using a Python version less than 3.4, like 3.3, but you need to install pathlib.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip install pathlib
To run '/bin/download-images.py' you need '/conf/config.ini' setup correctly
image_download_path = /tmp/WAGS-Trove
trove_api_key =
trove_query = "11th Battalion" date:[1914 TO 1921]
trove_zone = newspaper `
Use a config file for things like temp directory to use and api key, etc Auto create temp dir if needed Search trove for illustrated articles only (l-illustrated)