This is a 40 second promo video for telling freshers about HackSoc's regular social events.
Start cloning this repo (it's a bit chunky so might take a minute or two)
Install blender (2.76 if possible, 2.78c should work too)
in blender -
Configure GPU rendering for maximum performance
- Play the animation to check that it works
- The play button is at the bottom of the screen
- Take care to check that the fluid simulation works (the pint glass filling with beer) as this depends on a cache that is checked-in to the git repo.
- Take care to check that the soft-body simulation of the lose film on the film reels works correctly as this also depends on a checked-in cache.
- Also check that the font is correctly loaded for all of the text elements in the animation (Roboto slab, as per this:
- Render!
- Press CTRL-F12 to initiate the render. This should [after much rendering] create a file called