I'm a passionate, curious and logical full-stack JavaScript developer, with an academical background in physics, maths and economics.
I have a strong drive to create value with my work; creating, improving or maintaining things that makes the lives of people better, companies more efficient and makes a positive impact on society.
I know how important good, intuitive UX/UI design is, and I enjoy figuring out how to make applications and webpages easy and intuitive to use, without sacrificing functionality.
I also love writing readable, stable and maintainable code in the backend. I'm full-stack for a reason.
class Person {/* ...constructor of life... */}
const Martin = new Person(...argsOfLife)
console.log( Martin ) // output =>
Person {
interests: ['music', 'physics', 'economics', 'learing new stuff', '๐บ', '๐ป'],
fluentSpeakerOf: ['swedish', 'english', 'spanish'],
education: {
salt: {
bootcamp: 'JavaScript full-stack',
duration: 'Autum 2022'
his: {
course: 'introduction to cybersecurity',
duration: 'summer 2021'
kth: {
program: 'environmental engineering',
duration: '3 years'
su: {
program: 'business economics',
duration: '2 years'
/* ... */