trello-python is an API wrapper for Trello, written in Python.
This library uses Oauth2 for authentication and notifications using webhooks.
pip install trello-python
from trello.client import Client
client = Client(api_key, token=None)
If you don't have a token, follow this instructions:
- Get authorization URL to obtain token
url = client.authorization_url(return_url)
- Set access token
Check more information about Trello Oauth:
user = client.get_current_user()
# filter = One of: all, members, none, public (Note: members filters to only private Workspaces)
# fields = all or a comma-separated list of organization fields
# paid_accounts = Whether or not to include paid account information in the returned workspace object
workspace = client.get_workspaces(member_id, filter=None, fields=None, paid_accounts=None)
members = client.get_members(workspace_id)
# filter = One of: all, members, none, public (Note: members filters to only private Workspaces) \n
# fields = all or a comma-separated list of organization fields \n
boards = client.get_boards(workspace_id, filter=None, fields=None)
board = client.get_board(board_id)
# limit = maximum: 1000
cards = client.get_cards(board_id, limit=None)
# cards = Valid values: all, closed, none, open
# filter = Valid values: all, closed, none, open
# fields = all or a comma-separated list of list fields
lists = client.get_board_lists(board_id, cards=None, filter=None, fields=None)
# limit = default: 50, maximum: 1000
labels = client.get_board_labels(board_id, limit=None)
# color = Valid values: yellow, purple, blue, red, green, orange, black, sky, pink, lime
label = client.create_label(board_id, name, color=None)
# pos: The position of the new card. top, bottom, or a positive float
# due, start: these params accept only isoformat dates.
# idMembers, idLabels: string with a list of ids separated by commas.
card = client.create_card(
label = client.add_label_to_card(card_id, label_id)
comment = client.add_comment_to_card(card_id, comment_text)
# action_type = A comma-separated list of action types. Default: commentCard
actions = client.get_card_actions(card_id, action_type=None, page=None)
A list of action types here:
# fields = all or a comma-separated list of: idBoard,idCard,name,pos
checklists = client.get_card_checklists(card_id, fields=None)
custom_fields = client.get_card_customfields(card_id)
custom_field = client.get_customfield(customfield_id)
# pos = The position of the check item in the checklist. One of: top, bottom, or a positive number.
# due, dueReminder: these params accept only isoformat dates.
item = client.add_item_to_checklist(checklist_id, name, pos=None, checked=None, due=None, dueReminder=None, idMember=None)
webhooks = client.get_token_webhooks()
webhook = client.create_webhook(idModel, callbackURL, description=None, active=True)
# modelTypes = all or a comma-separated list of: actions, boards, cards, members, organizations. Default all.
# partial = true means that it will look for content that starts with any of the words in your query
search =, modelTypes=None, partial=None)