This project installs a Kubernetes cluster using kubadm and Helm that includes an Ingress and Letsencrypt certificates as well as persistent storage using Rook and Ceph on any available non-root volumes.
This cluster is not production ready and is intended for cloud labs. It includes only a single master/API server and any number of worker nodes.
Running the script again will wipe and reset the cluster.
- A domain
- A sub-domain called k8s-master.domain_name pointing at your k8s-master public IP
- A scaleway account
- Installed Scaleway CLI already logged in
- Existing servers named k8s-master and k8s-worker-n (any number of workers should be supported)
- All nodes must be running Ubuntu 16.04
- All nodes must have a public IP
- All nodes must be accessible via SSH without a password (i.e. keys set up correctly)
- All additional node volumes (/dev/vdb onwards) that are not mouned WILL be wiped and used for Ceph.
- kubectl (latest version) on your ${PATH}
- Change the DOMAIN variable at the top of the script
- Run