These are the smart contracts of the FIN4Xplorer.
# basics
sudo apt-get install git build-essential python
# node v10
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install 10.0.0
nvm use 10.0.0
# on macOS, to prevent gyp related errors
npm explore npm -g -- npm install node-gyp@latest
# truffle
npm install -g truffle
# for local development: ganache-cli or the GUI app from
npm install -g ganache-cli
# project
npm install
The file config.json
at root level must be added and filled.
The first two fields are only necessary for non-local deployments and are used in truffle-config.js
. The account encoded by the mnemonic is paying the deployment costs. Therefore it has to have sufficient funds on the respective network. The Infura API key can be obtained by creating a project on it is the Project ID under View Project.
The last two fields define where truffle
compiles the contract into JSON format and where the deployment info (Fin4Main
address and the name of the network) will be saved to during deployment. In the example below, these paths are set in a way that assumes this FIN4Contracts repo to be sitting next to the FIN4Xplorer repo containing the frontend react app. There these files are required for running the app. If you don't build these contracts/addresses files directly there but want to run the frontend, you must manually make sure to place them where the frontend expects them.
"CONTRACTS_BUILD_DIRECTORY": "../FIN4Xplorer/src/build/contracts",
"DEPLOYMENT_INFO_SAVING_LOCATION": "../../FIN4Xplorer/src/config"
To deploy the smart contracts to a local Ganache instance, run:
truffle migrate
To avoid weird in-between states it makes sense to delete the compiled contracts each time before migrating again. If the repos are sitting next to each other, the command is this: rm -r ../FIN4Xplorer/src/builds
To deploy to the Rinkeby testnet, use:
truffle migrate --network rinkeby