A Flutter plugin that allows sending analytics events to https://segment.com
Just add the dependency on your pubspec.yaml file
You need to initialize Segment tracker at application startup.
Future<void> main() async {
final segmentTracker = await FlutterSegmentSdk.init(writeKey: "YOUR WRITE KEY HERE", logLevel: LogLevel.VERBOSE);
Note: There are other parameters available that allows you to customize how Segment SDK works. These are all the init method allowed parameters, being writeKey
the only required one.
static Future<FlutterSegmentSdk> init({
@required String writeKey,
bool collectDeviceId,
int flushQueueSize,
String tag,
LogLevel logLevel,
bool trackApplicationLifecycleEvents,
bool recordScreenViews,
bool trackAttributionInformation,
bool useFirebaseAnalytics,
You can log screens and add custom properties to the screen log event.
Future<void> trackScreen({@required String name, Map<String, dynamic> properties})
You can also track events, api is similar as the one used for screens.
Future<void> trackEvent({@required String name, Map<String, dynamic> properties})
Segment allows you to identify customers, this SDK does so by using this method:
Future<void> identify({@required String userId})
Checking example app will help you understanding how to initialise and use the SDK.