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Function Overview and Usage

james edited this page Nov 14, 2018 · 5 revisions

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Post a Comment

Calling the Comment Drawing Menu

The comment drawing menu can be called using a special URL on either a ugomenu (.ugo) page, or a HTML page via a meta-tag button.

It's recommended to call the comment interface with a URL that ends with the extension .reply. Below is a HTML example of this, however the same URL will also work on an ugomenu:

    <!-- the comment will be posted to -->
    <meta name="commentbutton" content="">
    <!-- body content -->

Submitting the Comment

When the comment is submitted, a POST request will be made to the URL specified. The body of the request contains the comment in the form of a one-page .ppm file.

POST Response


Alternate URL

It's also possible to use the internal ugomemo://drawface URL to call the comment drawing interface, however this is not advised as we have not found a way to tell it where to POST to. By default, it posts to /ds/v2-xx/my/face (where xx = us, eu, or jp depending on the console's region).

Post a Flipnote

Calling the Flipnote Posting Menu

The Flipnote posting interface can be called in almost the same way as the comment drawing interface documented above. The only differences are that the URLs should end with .post rather than .reply.

For the sake of completeness, here's a HTML example:

    <!-- the comment will be posted to -->
    <meta name="postherebutton" content="">
    <!-- body content -->

Submitting the Flipnote

When the Flipnote is submitted, a POST request will be made to the URL specified. The body of the request contains the Flipnote .ppm file.

POST Response


Alternate URL

The internal ugomemo://postmemo URL may also be used to call the Flipnote posting interface. It posts to /ds/v2-xx/movie/filename.ppm (where xx = us, eu, or jp depending on the console's region, and filename is the Flipnote's filename).

Command Search

Calling the Command Search Menu

The command search interface can be called with the ugomemo://command URL from either a ugomenu (.ugo) page, or a HTML page via a meta-tag button.

HTML example (we're using postherebutton since there's no real meta-tag button for command search -- it still works though!) :

    <meta name="postherebutton" content="ugomemo://command">
    <!-- body content -->

Submitting the Code

When the command code is submitted, a GET request is sent to to /ds/v2-xx/jump?command=code (where xx = us, eu, or jp depending on the console's region, and code is the command code sequence).

The command code sequence uses the characters A, B, X, Y, L, R, N, S, W and E.

N, S, W and E are d-pad up, down, left and right respectively (from North, South, East and West), and the others... should be pretty obvious. :P

POST Response


Keyboard Input

Calling the Keyboard Menu

The keyboard input menu can be called in almost the same way as the comment and Flipnote interfaces documented above, with some minor differences. Firstly, these URLs should end with .kbd, and they can also be called from <a></a> tags.

A HTML example:

    <!-- head content -->
    <!-- the keyboard input be sent to -->
    <a href="">Keyboard Input</a>

Setting Preset Text

Preset text (text that appears to already be "entered in" when the keyboard drawing interface is called) can be set by appending ?s=|text (where text = the text you want) to the end of the URL.

So to add reset text to the HTML example above:

    <!-- head content -->
    <!-- the preset text is "Hello!": -->
    <a href="|Hello!">Keyboard Input</a>

Submitting the Input

When the keyboard input is submitted, a POST request will be made to the URL specified. The HTTP header X-Email-Addr will be set to the text that was entered. The request body is empty.

POST Response

The response should include the X-DSi-Forwarder HTTP header, with the URL that you want the DSi to go to after submitting the keyboard entry:


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