This repository contains source for the official documentation of FlexBE - The Flexible Behavior Engine for ROS 2.
Please refer to the official FlexBE Documentation for further information, tutorials, application examples, and much more.
For the latest source code and usage, see relevant respositories at:
Please use the following publications for reference when using FlexBE:
Philipp Schillinger, Stefan Kohlbrecher, and Oskar von Stryk, "Human-Robot Collaborative High-Level Control with Application to Rescue Robotics", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Stockholm, Sweden, May 2016.
Joshua Zutell, David C. Conner, and Philipp Schillinger, "ROS 2-Based Flexible Behavior Engine for Flexible Navigation ,", IEEE SouthEastCon, April 2022.