This is a simple implementation of Perlin Noise in Lua. Currently, only 2D noise is supported.
This was built for LuaJIT.
To use the library, put the PerlinNoise.lua script in the same directory as the script that needs it.
Pull it into your script with the require function:
To create a new Perlin Noise generator, use the new function. Pass a seed (the seed for the noise generator):
local PN = PerlinNoise:new(math.floor(os.time()))
You can also specify the size of the permutation table used, and the type of permutation table used. The permutation table types used are:
- shuffled: A table of the specified size shuffled randomly.
- perlin: Perlin's original permutation table.
- infinite: Values are generated randomly instead of using a permutation table.
local PN = PerlinNoise:new(math.floor(os.time()), 256, 'shuffled')
The following noise functions are available:
- Noise1D takes x and generates classic Perlin noise in the range [-0.5, 0.5].
- NormalizedNoise1D takes x generates Perlin noise in the range [0, 1].
- RangeNoise1D takes x, min, and max, and returns Perlin noise within the range [min, max].
- OctaveNoise1D taxes x, octaves, frequency, and amplitude and layers Perlin noise in octaves to generate more detail.
- NormalizedOctaveNoise1D is the same as NormalizedNoise1D but uses OctaveNoise1D as the base instead of Noise1D.
- RangeOctaveNoise1D is the same as RangeNoise1D but uses OctaveNoise1D as the base instead of Noise1D.
- Noise2D takes x and y and generates classic Perlin noise in the range [-0.5, 0.5].
- NormalizedNoise2D takes x and y generates Perlin noise in the range [0, 1].
- RangeNoise2D takes x, y, min, and max, and returns Perlin noise within the range [min, max].
- OctaveNoise2D taxes x, y, octaves, frequency, and amplitude and layers Perlin noise in octaves to generate more detail.
- NormalizedOctaveNoise2D is the same as NormalizedNoise2D but uses OctaveNoise2D as the base instead of Noise2D.
- RangeOctaveNoise2D is the same as RangeNoise2D but uses OctaveNoise2D as the base instead of Noise2D.
local n1 = PN:Noise1D(x)
local nn1 = PN:NormalizedNoise1D(x)
local rn1 = PN:RangeNoise1D(x, min, max)
local on1 = PN:OctaveNoise1D(x, octaves, frequency, amplitude)
local non1 = PN:NormalizedOctaveNoise1D(x, octaves, frequency, amplitude)
local ron1 = PN:RangeOctaveNoise1D(x, octaves, frequency, amplitude, min, max)
local n2 = PN:Noise2D(x, y)
local nn2 = PN:NormalizedNoise2D(x, y)
local rn2 = PN:RangeNoise2D(x, y, min, max)
local on2 = PN:OctaveNoise2D(x, y, octaves, frequency, amplitude)
local non2 = PN:NormalizedOctaveNoise2D(x, y, octaves, frequency, amplitude)
local ron2 = PN:RangeOctaveNoise2D(x, y, octaves, frequency, amplitude, min, max)
A noise visualizer is included in the Visualizer folder, here: Visualizer
This was built using Love2D. The source code is in the Visualizer/Code folder. It can be run by downloading the zip file, unzipping it, and running the NoiseVisualizer.exe file within.
Below is an example of 1D noise in the visualizer:
Below is an example of 2D noise in the visualizer:
This script relies on three of my other libraries:
- A library for working with Vectors:
- A library for generating noise:
- A library for 32 bit unsigned integer math: