What is this program?
This is a very simple example of how to send a transaction from account A to B. If you change 'ftm' to a different RPC you can use this script on on other chains too like Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.
Why did you use the Fantom network?
I used the Fantom testnet because:
- The Fantom Testnet is really fast
- It is easy to get FTM from the faucet
- You can get FTM from the faucet every 5 minutes
- The faucet is almost never down (unlike Binance Smart Chain)
Faucet: https://faucet.fantom.network/ Explorer: https://testnet.ftmscan.com/
Be aware that you can also use this script with Ganache CLI, I just preferred using a "real" testnet.
- Python
- Web3 (install by running "pip3 install web3"
More examples of web3 scripts will be shared in this repository due time.
Do not accidentally share your private key by sending your script to other people without removing it from the code!