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FilmDrop by Element 84

FilmDrop Terraform infrastructure modules for AWS.

Test Test Release version License

This repository contains the packaging of FilmDrop terraform modules.

Check out the changelog.

flop CLI

flop is a bash script for creating and interacting with FilmDrop test environments. It was initially built for filmdrop-k8s-tf-modules and has been re-created for this repository.

Dependencies and Setup

  • Bash  (versions tested: 5, 3.2)
  • terraform
  • nvm
  • tfenv

On Mac, install the two version management dependencies with:

brew install tfenv nvm

-Note: if you already have terraform installed, you may need to unlink it first (brew unlink terraform), as the homebrew packages for tfenv and terraform are mutually exclusive.*

AWS configuration

Export temporary AWS keys, by obtaining those credentials via AWS SSO. The following 4 variables will be needed prior to running the infrastructure code:


Remember to specify your preferred aws region, either by modifying your credentials or exporting the following environment variable:


You can alternatively choose create an AWS credentials file.

Running FilmDrop Terraform Deployment

Next, initialize the terraform environment of FilmDrop via:

./flop init

The flop init should pull the providers needed to run your terraform code. Then, validate your FilmDrop terraform code with:

./flop validate default.tfvars

If your terraform is valid, the validate command will respond with Success! The configuration is valid. Test your proposed FilmDrop infrastructure changes with a:

./flop test default.tfvars

The terraform plan will give you a summary of all the changes terraform will perform prior to deploying any change.

You may choose to customize the default.tfvars or provide your own tfvars for inputs to your deployment. Create the FilmDrop infrastructure by running:

./flop create default.tfvars

The flop create command will run a terraform apply in the background that will deploy the changes, but before doing so, terraform will perform an additional plan and ask you for a confirmation, for which you need to answer yes to proceed with the deployment.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

Enter a value: yes

The deployment will take 25-45 minutes to complete the deployment of the full FilmDrop stack, and if it succeeds, your FilmDrop environment should be up in the AWS account!

The output of the deployment should look like:


analytics_url = ""
cirrus_dashboard_url = ""
console_ui_url = ""
private_avaliability_zones = tolist([
private_subnet_ids = tolist([
public_avaliability_zones = tolist([
public_subnet_ids = tolist([
s3_access_log_bucket = "filmdrop-<environment>-access-logs-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
s3_logs_archive_bucket = "filmdrop-<environment>-logs-archive-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
security_group_id = "sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
stac_url = ""
titiler_url = ""
vpc_cidr = "x.x.x.x/x"
vpc_id = "vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

If you would like to take a look at the flop terraform infrastructure outputs again just run:

 ./flop output

Known Deployment Issues

Pulling the stac-server Lambda Code

During the deployment, you may see the following error due to how we're pulling the stac server lambda code at apply time:

│ Error: Provider produced inconsistent final plan
│ When expanding the plan for module.filmdrop.module.stac-server[0].module.stac-server.aws_lambda_function.stac_server_ingest to include new values learned so far during apply, provider "" produced an invalid new value for
│ .source_code_hash: was cty.StringVal("********"), but now cty.StringVal("********").
│ This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own issue tracker.
│ Error: Provider produced inconsistent final plan
│ When expanding the plan for module.filmdrop.module.stac-server[0].module.stac-server.aws_lambda_function.stac_server_api to include new values learned so far during apply, provider "" produced an invalid new value for
│ .source_code_hash: was cty.StringVal("********"), but now cty.StringVal("********").

If you see the error above, just run a flop update like:

./flop update default.tfvars

The terraform apply will deploy the changes, but before doing so, terraform will perform an additional plan and ask you for a confirmation, for which you need to answer yes to proceed with the deployment.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

Enter a value: yes

Exceeding WAF Limits

AWS's default limit for WAF rule limits is 100 per region per account. If your account exceeded that limit while deploying, you may see an error message like this:

│ Error: creating WAF Rule (FilmDropWAFIPBlockRulefdtestpjgtestconsole): WAFLimitsExceededException: Operation would result in exceeding resource limits.
│   with module.filmdrop.module.console-ui[0].module.cloudfront_s3_website.module.cloudfront_distribution.module.cloudfront_waf[0].aws_waf_rule.fd_waf_ip_block_wafrule,
│   on modules/cloudfront/waf/ line 40, in resource "aws_waf_rule" "fd_waf_ip_block_wafrule":
│   40: resource "aws_waf_rule" "fd_waf_ip_block_wafrule" {

In that case, you either need to remove WAF rules from that account, or pick a new account.

Destroying FilmDrop Terraform Deployment

You can delete your FilmDrop stack by running (reference the same tfvars file used during the flop create/update or terraform apply):

./flop destroy default.tfvars

or by changing all infrastructure flags to false in your tfvars and performing a terraform apply:

# To disable each flag: set to 'false'; to enable: set to 'true'
deploy_vpc                          = false
deploy_vpc_search                   = false
deploy_log_archive                  = false
deploy_stac_server                  = false
deploy_analytics                    = false
deploy_titiler                      = false
deploy_console_ui                   = false
deploy_cirrus_dashboard             = false
deploy_local_stac_server_artifacts  = false
deploy_waf_rule                     = false
./flop update default.tfvars

The first thing that will happen is that the destroy will try to delete the stac-server opensearch domain, if one exists. You will need to answer yes to proceed.

We detected a Stac Server OpenSearch Domain fd-hector-demo-stac-server running in flop environment...
Do you really want to destroy the Stac Server OpenSearch domain along with other resources?
There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

Enter a value:

Then the flop CLI will perform a terraform plan and ask you to confirm the destroy of all the resources on the terraform state. You will need to answer yes to proceed.

Do you really want to destroy all resources?
  Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
  There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

  Enter a value: yes

That's it! After 25-45 minutes (with a full FilmDrop deployment), you should not see your FilmDrop resources anymore if you log into your AWS account. To confirm there are no more resources in the FilmDrop Terraform state, you may run:

./flop list

Which should return an empty value.

Problems with Destroying Your Deployment

Your destroy may time out with an error message like this:

│ Error: deleting Security Group (sg-074106eb2528d86f1): DependencyViolation: resource sg-074106eb2528d86f1 has a dependent object
│       status code: 400, request id: 5282df10-4ff1-4b6d-a182-5fc9483017d8

This is likely due to the OpenSearch clusters take a long time to delete. Check your OpenSearch domains and see if there's one that is in a "Being deleted" state — if there is, you just need to wait for that to complete then re-try your destroy.


Document any changes that need to be made by module instances using these modules to uptake a newer version. For example, if a new required variable is added, this should be documented here.


  • Removes support for VPC creation. To retain the existing VPC resources, manually remove them from the Terraform state file. However, you should then create another IaC deployment for that VPC.
  • stac_server_inputs and titiler_inputs, renamed stac_server_and_titiler_s3_arns to authorized_s3_arns.
  • titiler_inputs.mosaic_titiler_release_tag is now titiler_inputs.version
  • cirrus_dashboard_inputs.cirrus_dashboard_release is now cirrus_dashboard_inputs.version
  • console_ui_inputs.filmdrop_ui_release is now console_ui_inputs.version
  • deploy_sample_data_bucket option has been removed


  • There were certainly many, but they were not documented.


  • Remove cirrus_dashboard_release_tag uses in deployment to use new default version of v0.5.1
  • Please upgrade to AWS provider ~=5.20


  • The jupyterhub-dask-eks module no longer takes a parameter kubernetes_cluster_name, but now requires a parameter environment. Resource names that previously used kubernetes_cluster_name now construct those using the project_name and environment variables
  • The default OpenSearch cluster name has changed to include both environment/stage, to allow for multiple deployments to a single AWS account. Unfortunately, an OpenSearch cluster name can't be changed after creation, so running a TF apply would attempt to destroy the old cluster and create a new one. If it is desired to preserve the old cluster (and data) upon taking this update, a new optional variable has been added to override the cluster name. Setting the input variable opensearch_stac_server_domain_name_override to match the pre-existing cluster name will allow taking this update to preserve the old default name moving forward.


  • console-ui.filmdrop_ui_release must be gte 4.x, e.g., v4.0.1. Along with this, the filmdrop_ui_env variable should be removed, the .env files deleted, and the VITE_APP_NAME variable moved to APP_NAME in the config json file.


  • Please upgrade to AWS provider ~=5.13
  • The WAF rules for mosaic titiler have been defined in the mosaic-titler module. The consumer must now pass in an "aws.east" provider because cloudfront requires global resources created in us-east-1. Consumers should set the new "waf_allowed_url" variable to set the WAF rules to enable blocking of requests. Leaving the default of null will set the rules to count only and disable blocking. If the consumer has previous defined a mosaic titiler WAF rule using the "titiler_waf_rules_map" variable, this should be removed as it has been replaced with the module's implementation.
  • Remove the OpenSearch service linked role from the terraform state with terraform state rm 'aws_iam_service_linked_role.opensearch_linked_role'


  • If your deployment does not use cloudfront in front of stac-server, the stac_api_rootpath variable in stac-server/ must be set to null. The default (empty string) is correct for when cloudfront is in use.


  • FilmDrop UI version >= 3.0.0 is now required. Previously, the configuration file was a JavaScript file and was placed in ./src/assets/config.js. It is now a JSON file and is placed in ./public/config/config.json. This change can be seen in this commit. The primary changes are:
    • The JavaScript const variables are now JSON attribute names.
    • Parameters (JSON attribute names) are no longer prevised by VITE_, e.g., VITE_DEFAULT_COLLECTION is now DEFAULT_COLLECTION
    • Parameters for which you wish to use the default no longer need to be included as null/empty.


Copyright 2023 Element 84 [email protected]. Licensed under Apache-2.0.