The Avr-Sandbox project
Archived in a migration process to Electrostatic-Sandbox SDK.
A modern implementation of avr-core and GNU libraries for avr microcontroller units purely written in C.
- shiftavr-core: A low-level API that provides a direct implementation to the internal avr-units.
- shiftavr-api: A high-level API that provides a combination of several hardware and sensors implementation combined with high-level design patterns and software principles to engage the core into a competitive level.
- shiftavr-examples: Tech-demos and examples for the shiftavr project.
- libuart
- libadc
- libgpio
- libspi
- libtwi
- libpwm
- libtimer
- hello_uart
- hello_adc
- hello_gpio_write
- hello_gpio_read
- hello_spi
- hello_twi
- hello_pwm
- hello_timer
- libmcp3008
- libstepper
- libjoystick
- libultrasonic
- libmq135
- libvectormath
- libnumberformat